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  1. TheRealFraggle

    Wembley Fraggle Replica - 13 years in the making

    That's awesome! It looks better than the official Wembley plushes I've owned in the past. How did you do it?
  2. TheRealFraggle

    Newer Sesame Street?

    Hey y'all, I haven't watched new episodes of Sesame Street since I was, well, in the target age group for it, but I was wondering, if there's anyone on the forum who still watches it with their kids or anything... what's it like nowadays? Has it gone all woke and squeaky-clean like so many kids...
  3. TheRealFraggle

    Are Bert, Ernie, and Snuffleupagus still on Sesame Street?

    I hope so. Snuffy's probably still on, but I'm not sure about Ernie and Bert. Perhaps the whole "negative stereotypes of gay people" accusations about them have gotten strong enough that Sesame Workshop has caved in and removed them. Besides, Ernie's puppeteer, Steve Whitmire, hasn't done Ernie...
  4. TheRealFraggle

    Hasbro Boober with eyes

    Of course, I'm only saying that because it makes him look more like a Fraggle, and spares us the question of where exactly his eyes are. Naturally I hate his facial expression and if he were to have eyes, they'd need to be smaller.
  5. TheRealFraggle


    Well he's been dead for a long time now, so :sympathy:...
  6. TheRealFraggle

    Episode themes you would have liked to have seen

    An episode explaining where the Gorgs' garden is located in relation to Outer Space. I like to imagine it's a tiny island somewhere in the middle of the ocean that's only connected to Fraggle Rock through magic, which would explain why the Gorgs never encounter humans or vice versa.
  7. TheRealFraggle

    How did you discover Fraggle Rock?

    When I was just six years old, I got into Sesame Street and I took out a big coffeetable book from my local library about the work of Jim Henson, where I first read about Fraggle Rock. I then took out some Fraggle comics from the library, two omnibuses of the Archaia stuff. I loved them, so I...
  8. TheRealFraggle

    Humans and Fraggles...

    Personally, I don't think that Fraggle Rock is set in the same universe as the main Muppet stuff, so I always just assumed that the Silly Creatures not noticing Matt was a combination of them mistaking him for a human with dwarfism due to his size, and Matt possibly embellishing some of the...
  9. TheRealFraggle

    If you were writing the Fraggle Rock movie...

    Here's my plot (I'm thinking of making it into a fanfic) It's set twenty years after the end of the original series. Doc is dead, and his house is now being occupied by his son, Jerome Crystal Jr. (we can call him Jerry, as a reference to Jerry Nelson). When he moved into Doc's house, Jerry...
  10. TheRealFraggle

    Which Fraggle are you?

    I don't need to take a quiz, I already know for a fact that I'm Boober.
  11. TheRealFraggle

    What's Your Favorite.....

    Fraggle: Boober Doozer: None. I hate them all. Gorg: Junior, although I'm not a huge fan of any of them. Other: Sprocket hands down! Song: I can't choose, maybe "Follow Me" from the first episode. Episode: Again, too many to choose from, but I love Boober, so maybe "Boober's Dream". Extra...
  12. TheRealFraggle

    Hasbro Boober with eyes

    That looks crazy but I honestly like it better than Boober's regular design. Sorry...
  13. TheRealFraggle

    Boober's lack of eyes

    Boober's puppet being made without eyes was clearly just a stylistic choice. The character must have them, since he isn't blind, so the obvious answer is that they're very small and hidden under his hat and hair.
  14. TheRealFraggle

    Favorite Character on Fraggle Rock

    I'll list my top five. 1. Boober 2. Sprocket 3. Uncle Traveling Matt 4. Marjory the Trash Heap 5. Wembley
  15. TheRealFraggle

    Where exactly did Doc live?

    I'm pretty sure the workshop is a separate, smaller space in Doc's yard, and he has a house which is bigger that he lives in. He just likes to spend more time in the workshop because it's where he makes his inventions, and because it's where his dog stays. Besides, it's not out of character for...
  16. TheRealFraggle

    Gigantic Red

    I have a gigantic Mokey that looks a lot like that one, which I've owned for years, and she is hideous. My mom got me the Frankenmokey as a birthday present not knowing what it would look like, and it ended up being the most grotesque thing in the world. Of course I still own it... :smirk:
  17. TheRealFraggle

    Painful Fraggle Moments

    The entire episode with the Doozer hiccups. I know what it's called but I won't even name it because I don't want any person on this forum to ever waste 24 minutes of their precious, precious life watching it. Wrench's voice is almost as bad as Cotterpin's and there are almost no scenes with the...
  18. TheRealFraggle

    My Fraggle Rock Collection

    I used to have a huge Fraggle Rock collection, though most of that stuff is no longer with me. I had the complete series DVD set, separate DVDs of the first three seasons, three DVDs with just a few episodes each, the complete animated series (I hated it), an omnibus of the Archaia comics...
  19. TheRealFraggle

    How is a Fraggle born? Where do Fraggles come from?

    They hatch from eggs, as mentioned by the Storyteller in "The Terrible Tunnel". I never thought about the ages of the main characters much but they seem more like young adults to me, except for maybe Red and Wembley.
  20. TheRealFraggle

    What are the highest quality Fraggle plush?

    Definitely the Manhattan toy ones. They come as both puppets and plushes. They're hard to find nowadays but you can probably find them on places like eBay. They make the five main Fraggles, Traveling Matt, Sprocket, Junior Gorg, and Doozers. I used to have the puppets of Gobo, Wembley, and...