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  1. bandit

    Your Thoughts: Fraggle Rock on The Hub beginning October 10, 2010

    Ahhh I do so love ALF. At least, I loved the first few seasons of it. I remember something about an episode with a Mexican boy later on in the show. Whenever they start adding random people into these things, then you know it's the kiss of death. I think I may have caught a couple of the...
  2. bandit

    Dynamite Determination: My Muppet Blog

    Excellent entry today. That's fascinating and I'd actually heard about it a couple of weeks ago. A lady I work with pronounced herself an order Muppet....gee no brainer Ms. Hospital corners nitpicker....and me a Chaos one.....well...again, no brainer. We work well together. No...really...we do.
  3. bandit

    Doozer Cartoon series probably happening at this point

    Hmm... It's an interesting idea but I just wish it wasn't in CGI. I know that is the trend these days but it would be cool to see the actual puppets in action again. Still, it is a good sign for a slow ressurgence of Fraggle Rock into the mainstream media. I guess this makes the Doozers kind...
  4. bandit

    When a Muppet says...

    I said this in another thread, but it merits a second mention. Noodlenose's squeak of a laugh when Mokey is translating what they have said in Mokey Then and Now. It's so quick and off camera but so cute. Also, I can't help but love any grunt or moan of derision from Red at pretty much any...
  5. bandit


    Here's a cool link I thought I'd share with you guys! Check it out.
  6. bandit

    A Muppety Day in NYC

    BWAHAHAHAAHA! Oh my GOD! I hadn't heard about this Elmo suit. It's so wrong but I have to say....hilarious! I mean, obviously terrible for children. HORRIBLE....but...I can't help myself. It's so wrong it's funny! As for merchandise, definitely. These things come in waves. Right now there's...
  7. bandit

    Turtle Puppet on eBay

    Yeah! I was noticing the detail on your little guy. His shell looks great and I especially like that his head and arms are not a uniform color. You went for the classic turtle mottled skin. Its just a nice touch.
  8. bandit

    Turtle Puppet on eBay

    Hahah "Ladies love it." Brilliant! Thats a great job you did on Ted here. ^_^
  9. bandit

    Top Ten Episodes

    Oho! Fishface was cool in his own right. His sneery face makes me laugh too. Pretty much that entire episode is a laugh riot!
  10. bandit

    Top Ten Episodes

    I love Noodlenose. That little squeak of a laugh he lets out in the part where Mokey is explaining what they have just said is adorable! I LOVE it! But that whole episode is tremendous. If nothing else, to watch Mokey's inspired dance moves and NO NECK! lol
  11. bandit

    Top Ten Episodes

    Hmmmm so many! Okay well here are 10 of my favorites in no particular order! 1. Wonder Mountain 2. Cave of One's Own 3. Wembley's Wonderful Whoopie Water 4. Mokey Then and Now 5. The Secret Society of Poobahs 6. I Want to Be You 7. Manny's Land of Carpets 8. The Beanbarrow, the Burden, and the...
  12. bandit

    New Muppet movie in development for potential 2013 release

    I agree. Hahaha Joking! No, I see your point. I really do. But I guess the nature of a forum is that everyone's going to want to put in their two cents and sometimes it derails but you just kind of have to come to expect it. At least, that's what my experience has I derail us some...
  13. bandit


    Soooo.... This is a little late in coming but I am just now getting to it so forgive me (IF anyone even cares about this other than me....haha) The Europa Cup final was last Sunday and Spain came out victorious. The match was between Spain and Italy and it was slated to be a phenomenal match...
  14. bandit

    THE MUPPETS at Madame Tussauds??

    That's it exactly! I've never been particularly interested in a Wax Museum....due in part to the inherent creepiness of their corpse-like appearances and gross sheen coming off the figures.....BUT, Beauregard is right. There is a certain sense of being recognized and honored when a celebrity is...
  15. bandit

    New Muppet movie in development for potential 2013 release

    Not that I don't agree with what you've said, because it is mostly pretty spot on and true, Dr. Tooth, but I still think its kind of fun to see what ideas get tossed around on threads like this. So long as it's clear these ARE only speculations....which I think most people have the sense to know...
  16. bandit

    "The Muppets" isn't the Muppets

    Ahh yes. Well, I have to admit that I have only seen Muppets 2011. I bypassed the previous ones. *lol* I'm only now playing catch up all accounts it's sort of a 'don't bother' feel to the endeavor.
  17. bandit

    "The Muppets" isn't the Muppets

    I agree! That's why it's important that they stay the same at their core. You wouldn't want to mess about with formula too much. When I say evolve, I mean that you want the characters to experience some growth. As for keeping them relevant to the times, you needn't drag Snooki into this...
  18. bandit

    "The Muppets" isn't the Muppets

    This is an interesting thread. I think I can see this from both sides. Over all, I thought that the way the reintroduction of the Muppets into the mainstream was handled very cleverly. It's one of those meta instances. Their circumstances in the movie somewhat mirror their circumstances in...
  19. bandit

    Do Bowie and Connelly really dislike Labyrinth?

    I maintain the article is misrepresenting something that Jennifer Connelly or David Bowie said. It's easy to take something out context and put whatever spin you want on it. For all we know, this is just some kind of 'telephone' syndrome. I wouldn't worry about it at all. ^_^ They're wrong by...
  20. bandit

    Do Bowie and Connelly really dislike Labyrinth?

    I agree. I have a feeling its more something like this. ^_^