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  1. Harvey Towers

    "The Moppet Family - Same Family, New Thread..."

    At home... Oh I afraid don't go in for first names... I have this tendancy to shout them while emphasising particular letters... it's a form of social disease, you know. Alright for work but awkard in many other situations, including but not limited to during childbirth. Oh don't look so...
  2. Harvey Towers

    "The Moppet Family - Same Family, New Thread..."

    At the Moppet House... Now listen very carefully and do exactly as I say, Miss Mingostone. Ready? Now hold this tight... Push Miss Mingostone! Push! Squeeze! Squeeze! *lifts the mango peel off the lemon squeezer and pours the resulting juice into a glass* There you go! Now I'm no...
  3. Harvey Towers

    "The Moppet Family - Same Family, New Thread..."

    Mr Harvey and SuZan arrive at The Moppet House Miss Mingostone! Oh there you are. *puts on elbow length gloves and a white coat* Right SuZan, I want you to get me some boiling hot towels and fluffy water, while I set up in here. Now Miss Mingostone, I think I've got everything that we...
  4. Harvey Towers

    "The Moppet Family - Same Family, New Thread..."

    At Wilson's... *into the phone* Oh I know how you feel. I've got a baby here and no help, accept for SuZan, but shes a bit tied up with the phone lines, literally, but the little one seems to be enjoying themself. Oh I see you are actually.. what you mean? *gulps* Well... that's women for...
  5. Harvey Towers

    "The Moppet Family - Same Family, New Thread..."

    At Wilson's Call Centre... *Mr Harvey answers the phone* Hello? Yes? What? Really? Right now? And I can't believe that Mr Moppet isn't here to hear this! SuZan! We've got to get over there! I've just won a toaster in a free prize draw I don't have any recollection of entering! *phone...
  6. Harvey Towers

    "The Moppet Family - Same Family, New Thread..."

    At Wilson's... I’m afraid I’m not cut out for telephone sales. Besides, everyone I speak to seem to already to have a telephone... *into the phone* Hello, can I interest you in... a little tiny baby crawling across the floor? What on earth? Excuse me are you alright, you seem to be...
  7. Harvey Towers

    "The Moppet Family - Same Family, New Thread..."

    Meanwhile at Wilson's Call Centre... Mr Harvey has a telephone in each hand. While SuZan is working the old fashioned switchboard, frantically plugging and unplugging wires... Come on SuZan we’ve got a lot of numbers to get through, and the pages of this phone book are already starting to...
  8. Harvey Towers


    Good morning. Sitting on the sofa with Tabi-dabi-doo (good grief, if appears Vibs's habit to give Tabi odd nicknames is rubbing off on me...) waiting for the others to come and have breakfast. And now spellcheck is telling me everything I type is wrong. (Tabi: Maybe its Danish. Or maybe its so...
  9. Harvey Towers

    Minidoozer's Birthday Thread

    Hope you've had a perfect day; I'm glad I spent it with you! Also I hope that you enjoyed the meal out and ice-cream and that you've left some room for cake. Enjoy what's left of the day *hugs* Harvey Towers
  10. Harvey Towers


    Enough of this... Cast your minds back to last year - Brits and Danes sitting around on computers typing to one another across the living room; cameras clicking at all hours; falling asleep under tables; Danish flags stuck in the carpet... hang on that's today! The only difference is that...
  11. Harvey Towers

    Sesame Street in the UK?

    We wouldn't cancel a show because of “cookie” being spelt wrong! Misrepresenting all biscuits as cookies, possibly... The pronunciation of some letters may have been an issue though – my theory is you can tell whether people of my age grew up watching "Playdays" or "Sesame Street" by whether...
  12. Harvey Towers

    Another Short Lived Dumb Topic

    Is it because if we discover time travel we would have to discover it at every point in time and because it hasn't happened yet it isn't going to? On another note, D'Snowth reminds me of that old question as to whether barnacles actually live on barns? And does treacle come from trees?
  13. Harvey Towers

    Fraggle Rocks nod to Peanuts

    The line "it was a dark and stormy night" originally comes from an 1830 novel by Edward George Bulwer-Lytton: A competition now exists to attempt to find the worst possible opening line to a novel. More information can be found here:
  14. Harvey Towers

    What's Your Favorite Pizza Topping?

    You really do have a knack for ordering odd toppings, don't you? I'll settle for good old chicken and sweetcorn if you don't mind. As a side note (with chips on the side please) I live in the land of the deep fried half pizza supper...
  15. Harvey Towers

    "The Moppet Family - Same Family, New Thread..."

    Meanwhile at Wilson's... Mr Harvey is day dreaming... *wavy effect* In his daydream, Mr Harvey is seen in full Jane Austen period costume complete with top hat. He is dancing a precise dance with a Jane Austen heroine. Girl: Why Mr Harvey, I had no idea you danced so devinely! *the...
  16. Harvey Towers

    Happy Bitrthday DanDanStrawberry!!!!

    Desperately Seeking Su-Zan? Is that the little known film from Wilson's Cinematographers? Sorry for being late Dan (and forgetting to even mention your birthday last time I spoke to you) but I hope you had a great day and remind me that I must deliver a belated but matching set of dumps...
  17. Harvey Towers

    An Autographed picture of Johnny Fiama

    Maybe it means autographed using the wrong hand?
  18. Harvey Towers

    Avenue Q at The Royal Variety Prefomance

    Did anyone else happen to see Avenue Q on Children in Need night?
  19. Harvey Towers

    Petition for more women figures

    Don't start that again...