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  1. CensoredAlso

    Halloween is just around the corner

    True, lol. Now, Witch's Night Out, that was much more original and edgy, both in plot and animation. I was actually worried about what would happen to Small and Tender, lol. And Gilda Radner, great job of course as the witch. And you know I just found out recently that Small and Tender and...
  2. CensoredAlso

    Halloween is just around the corner

    Personally, I've only ever watched Fat Albert for Rudy, lol.
  3. CensoredAlso

    Halloween is just around the corner

    Oh guys need to watch this, lol. This is safety gone horribly silly, lol.
  4. CensoredAlso

    Halloween is just around the corner

    Halloween's coming...
  5. CensoredAlso

    Most Attractive TMS Guest Stars

    Sylvester Stallone and Roger Moore were super hot back then, though in different ways, lol. Harry Belafonte was also attractive, in a more mature way, hehe. Dudley Moore was rather cute too. Girl crushes, I'd have to go with Linda Ronstadt and Dyan Cannon.
  6. CensoredAlso

    Weekly Box Office and Film Discussion Thread

    Hmm, see I loved the Lion King Broadway musical far more than the cartoon. So that's what I'd personally be comparing a live action movie to.
  7. CensoredAlso

    What made you think today?

    Had an awesome day, hung out with a friend! Got home and, of course, my family had had a huge fight and now weren't speaking. I swear, they are the most fortunate people in the world, and yet the most miserable. Grateful for nothing in their lives, what a waste. I pray to learn from them, by...
  8. CensoredAlso

    Ghostbusters 3 finally on the way? You decide!

    #1 Best Seller Fantasy Blu Ray on Amazon! It beat Star Wars!
  9. CensoredAlso

    The "You know what?" thread

    Lol, a co-worker just asked me if I ever watched it, lol.
  10. CensoredAlso

    What made you think today?

    Well, recently a friend of mine was complaining that her child was being bullied, and was very shocked that said bully's parents were just making excuses. Of course, I was all ready to sympathize with my friend...until I heard more of the story. My friend went on to mention that her child had...
  11. CensoredAlso

    What made you think today?

    Well, heh, that's way beyond bullying, that's an out and out crime!
  12. CensoredAlso

    What made you think today?

    Well, it's complicated. One of them was my best friend in Second grade. But she dumped me for the class bully and said to me, "Say goodbye to your best friend!" (And no, never apologized. I suspect she's blocked it entirely.) Now, years later, she's happily talking about her daughter having her...
  13. CensoredAlso

    What made you think today?

    So, I've had a few old grammar school classmates Friend me on Facebook. I was a little surprised since a lot of them were bullies back in the day, lol, but if they're willing to move on, so am I. But now that it's September, they're all posting pictures of their children going to school for the...
  14. CensoredAlso

    Ghostbusters 3 finally on the way? You decide!

    OK, this is a must see, a fan recently posted a home movie in which he (as a child) got to meet the cast on the set of Ghostbusters II. A truly amazing, time capsule of a moment. It didn't even happen to me and yet I could feel the excitement! Just...just watch!
  15. CensoredAlso

    RIP Juan Gabriel

    Aw, wow, that's a shame.
  16. CensoredAlso

    Ghostbusters 3 finally on the way? You decide!

    It's not even "the stars," it's only Leslie Jones who keeps getting dumped on. Partly because she's had the nerve to answer the trolls back. Now, you might argue it would have been more prudent to ignore them (as the other stars probably are). But you should check out her Twitter feed and see...
  17. CensoredAlso

    Ghostbusters 3 finally on the way? You decide!

    With all the drama going on with this fandom lately, I thought this clip would be appropriate :):
  18. CensoredAlso

    Halloween is just around the corner

    This year my Mom was the one suggesting we put Fall decorations up early. Even I, the Holiday Freak, was stunned, lol.
  19. CensoredAlso

    The Muppets on Netflix? Hulu? Amazon?

    Yeah, I know what you mean. I think audiences tend to forget that celebrities age, lol. They get used to seeing them the same way over and over on DVD. I actually have no problem with newer celebrities playing with the Muppets, except they aren't always given the proper direction. They're...
  20. CensoredAlso

    The Muppets on Netflix? Hulu? Amazon?

    You say this a lot and I keep meaning to ask -- where do you see this going on? And do you mean when the Muppets do the same thing or just TV/movies in general?