Search results

  1. Aerosmith

    Ask Ken at Palisades

    Nope not yet the only ones I have found of the Movie Maniac series 5 is The Djinn from Wishmaster and The Tooth Fairy from some upcoming movie called Darkness Falls.
  2. Aerosmith

    Ask Ken at Palisades

    He has the Unicorn Horn.
  3. Aerosmith

    Muppet Show 25th An. Trading Cards

    Does it list a price?
  4. Aerosmith

    Time Life Videos

    Dont they have Beavis and Butt-Head DVD's too?
  5. Aerosmith

    Hilarious Muppet Moments You'd Like To See...

    Download Kazza Lite its on there. I downloaded it from there along with alot of Beaker and Swedish Chef clips. :)
  6. Aerosmith

    More proof couldnt break the Sesame/JHC ties

    MUst be youre K-Mart mine used to be like that.
  7. Aerosmith

    Check out What's New

    Did you get any autographs?
  8. Aerosmith

    Ask Ken at Palisades

    Anyone know a site with series 2 case for pre-order?
  9. Aerosmith

    Ask Ken at Palisades

  10. Aerosmith

    More proof couldnt break the Sesame/JHC ties

    Depends on which ones you get Drtooth I got a Gonzo nascar about the size of a Hot Wheel car for $4.99 at K-Mart. They also had Rowlf, Kermit and Piggy, Pepe, and Swedish Chef too. But I didnt have enough to get them all.
  11. Aerosmith

    Halloween is vast aproaching!

    I love Young Frankenstein. I bet you didnt know thats where Steven Tyler got the name for "Walk This Way"?
  12. Aerosmith

    Ask Ken at Palisades

    Whos Janet? :p
  13. Aerosmith

    Ask Ken at Palisades

    OHHHHH another McFarlane collector! Welcome!
  14. Aerosmith

    Ask Ken at Palisades

    Me want Fraggles! :D
  15. Aerosmith

    Ask Ken at Palisades

    Juxton go reply to my post on the Spawn board! :D :p
  16. Aerosmith

    Jim Henson for Circuit Judge

    I posted about this a while back in the Classic Muppets forum but i saw one that was defaced some one painted a picture of Kermit on it! :p
  17. Aerosmith

    General Action Figure Question

    BigDumbWookiee dont forget Hot Wheels and McFarlane Sports Picks
  18. Aerosmith

    Disney and AOL-Time Warner

    Someone watches to much cartoons. :D i loved Pinky and the Brain does that show still come on?
  19. Aerosmith

    Ask Ken at Palisades

    SWEET! Oh and Ken I went looking for Darkness again but only found Toothfairy and Djinn so I bought Short hair Piggy instead and I have a question is her waist supposed to move cause mine dont.
  20. Aerosmith

    Ask Ken at Palisades

    Hey Ken You said the series 4 cards would be diffrent but will they still have pictures of the Muppets thats in the series?