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  1. dwmckim

    Susan Sings Songs from Sesame Street on Cheeze Pleeze

    Cheeze Pleeze, a radio show playing the wild, warped, and weird is featuring three tracks from the classic album Susan Sings Songs From Sesame Street this weekend. lists stations the show airs on - if you catch this before 8am mountain Sunday, you can listen online at
  2. dwmckim

    Save One Life to Live site

    This is really exploding. Much bigger than Save Farscape ever was. One of the best articles i've seen so far has been this one from CNN: I'm working on an article most likely for Muppet Mindset this weekend about ways this could actually affect the...
  3. dwmckim

    Mars Needs Moms

    Hi, Disney Market Research People! How are you today? Regarding your questions about Mars Needs Mom, i ufortunately have zero plans or interest at this time of seeing it (or African Cate, Cars 2, Potc, Tangled or any of the other pojects you've asked us about here) as i'm not currently...
  4. dwmckim

    The New Movie: The Muppets

    I agree - everyone's going "Where's the trailer? Where da trailer?" I actually don't even care about the trailer right now - i just wanna know "Where's the Muppets? Where's the Muppets?" Even if the full push for the movie hasn't started, they need to be keeping up the momentum of the brand...
  5. dwmckim

    The New Movie: The Muppets

    S&W have a very special (small, but important) part in the film. Prepare to be surprised at how they factor in.
  6. dwmckim

    You might be an obsessed Muppet fan if...

    Little-known fact: Halfway Down the Stairs was the follow-up to the far inferior and less successful One Fourth Up the Wall. (Okay so maybe that's not a fact, but it's still little-known.)
  7. dwmckim

    Save One Life to Live site

    Okay, so anyone who knows me can probably guess what kind of day i've had and how it's been spent! My major "non-Henson" fandom, One Life to Live's cancellation (as well as All My Children's) was officially announced today. I've put together a Save OLTL site - which is mainly a way for people...
  8. dwmckim

    Muppet Comics Cancelled?

    Yes, it is nice to have those four comics all together in one nifty book. And that's exactly what Boom's already done. They reprinted the original four comics in paperback and reprinted the next four-issue arc in paperback and so on and so forth. If that's what fans are seeking, they're...
  9. dwmckim

    NEW Disney Marvel MUPPET comics!

    Not new. Looks like the original four just republished by Marvel. And they don't even care enough to spell Fozzie's name correct in their press release. Yeesh. Yawn. Wake me when they publish something truly new.
  10. dwmckim

    American Idol Audition Tips?

    Oddly enough, as a trained singer, i'd probably be the most likely candidate to give you advice on this topic - but unfortunately, my total disdain for the show handicaps my ability to really give much insight into the whole process in terms of what works and what doesn't and what they're...
  11. dwmckim

    Your Muppet mistakes

    Since i didn't have Nick at the time, i can't tell you what all of them were, but Nick edited the eps. They were given the full 25 1/2 minute episodes and allowed to edit them however they chose to fit their station's time limit. So the Nick airings were often the first time the UK sketches...
  12. dwmckim

    Your Thoughts: Dinosaur Train

    Interesting. Wonder if that could be done with adult actors as well (Imagines 2 1/2 Men co-starring a stuffed animal...)
  13. dwmckim

    You might be an obsessed Muppet fan if...

    You know you're an obsessed Muppet Freak if you respond back to the classmate, "No, he didn't play Mr. Noodle. He played Mr. Noodle's Brother, Mr. Noodle"
  14. dwmckim

    Why Did I Ever Watch This?

    I'm sure others do, but interestingly enough, i can't think of any tv or movies that fit that pattern. I have of course seen things as an adult i loved as a kid and found it didn't live up to the memories or hold up as well, but i could totally remember why i loved it back then. Now music on...
  15. dwmckim

    Pet Peeves

    That's actually what makes it all the more annoying - knowing that they're essentially being nosy not because they mean to but because they're forced to. If it's a manager doing it or i can see their manager's watching them, i'm more apt to respond negatively so they can see how it doesn't have...
  16. dwmckim

    Pet Peeves

    I have about six that come to mind... (1) I've talked about this is the Am i the Only One thread - street corner sign holders. Not all of them mind you - most of the time i'm very sympathetic towards them as it's got to be insanely boring to do for hours on end and especially in Phoenix...
  17. dwmckim

    Your Thoughts: Dinosaur Train

    I'll confess i actually like the Scott/kids segments but admittedly because they have that "so bad it's good" camp quality. There's something oddly charming about those awkward first seconds as they fade into those scenes while the intro music's playing and before Scott starts speaking where...
  18. dwmckim

    DARK CRYSTAL 2 still in script phase!

    And so with this latest news, now begins the betting pool as to which we'll actually see happen first: (a) Power of the Dark Crystal (b) Fraggle Rock Movie (c) Sarah Palin grows a brain cell
  19. dwmckim

    Misheard Song Lyrics

    LOL! I did the EXACT same thing! Here's one - "My Cherie Amour, ugly as a summer's day" And a Muppet one - In Keep Christmas With You All Through the Year, it sounded like they were singing "These precious moments, hold them, Prairie Dear" (as if the song was directed at Prairie Dawn!)