I have no doubt that Disney is cleaning up the print for posterity. We'll likely still get some grain so it won't be a perfectly clean film. It will at least look as good as it did in theaters and that's really the point.
I just really want
extras. Extras, extras and more extras. Some of the Muppet specials would be nice. Also, there's got to be more TMM specific material in the vaults. I also would like to hear some commentary. Muppet commentary is cool, but I would also like to hear from performers or the director about the making of the film. Still, just a crisp transfer of the film is enough for me.
I am going to admit that it's a little strange to see the Disney logo above the film logo as in "Disney: The Muppet Movie." I know they paid for the franchise and branding is important. It just looks a little strange to me since they had no hand in making or distributing the 1979 film. I am happy that Disney has the Muppets so I guess this is something we're just gonna have to get used to.
I know it doesn't seem to matter to a lot of people, but I encourage Disney to bring back the
original cover art for the release. Drew Struzan did such a beautiful job painting two different posters for the film. It would be nice to see one of them. Maybe Disney could create some sort of
store-exclusive bearing the original art. The garishly Photoshopped monstrosities have really been disappointing. Disney's usually much better handling the art for their animated properties. Come on, Disney. This is your chance to pull out all the stops on this and make something
really special! Sure, I'll buy it either way.