Just finished "The Atomic Brain" (or "Monstrosity", as it was originally called). Man, that was a weird film. An old lady who wants to put her brain inside of a young woman's head so that she can "make love" (the narrator's words, not mine) again? Yuck. Though I kind of laughed at the idea that just a year before this film was released, Marjorie Eaton (the crazy old lady, who actually does do a really good job with her role) did a TV pilot with the Three Stooges for a series that was never picked up. Imagine the Three Stooges stuck in this movie.
The short, "What About Juvenile Delinquency", is interesting, I guess. Though am I the only one who found it just a tad unbelievable?
The riffs are great. And in this episode, we get not one, but two Muppet references. At the opening of the short, we see an image of an eagle as part of the "Young America Films" logo, and Servo responds, "Hey, 'Sam the Eagle presents'". Later, during the feature, Mike references ABC-DEF-GHI-JKLMNOP-QRSTUVWXYZ.
Incidentally, the last letter that Mike reads at the end of the show makes a reference to Joel being replaced. Of course, Mike doesn't read that part. The gang at MST3K were always careful to leave out Joel references (if there were any) in the letters that they read.