More ideas.....Musicals Edition!
All Falls Down (from Chaplin: The Musical)- Miss Piggy (I haven't seen the musical yet, and I'm going to see it this Saturday, but I'm absolutely in LOVE with this song (I haven't heard the whole thing, as I watched from a video, but it sounds really cool). This song screams Miss Piggy!)
This World Will Remember Us (from Bonnie and Clyde)- Janice and Floyd, as Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow (Yes...I can see this.

I always wanted to see these two take on something different, like a Bonnie and Clyde-esque situation. A shame this show closed so soon....

We're In The Money (from 42nd Street)- sung by the entire cast, but lead by either Scooter or Robin (More Scooter, but I could see Robin being daring enough to lead off).
Maybe This Time (from Cabaret)- Miss Piggy, in another attempt to woo Kermit
Think of Me (from Phantom of The Opera)- Annie Sue, replacing Miss Piggy after Miss Piggy gets a "frog in her throat" and is unable to sing.
Special To Me (from Phantom of The Paradise (*Coincidental, yes?))- Janice accompanied by the rest of the Electric Mayhem (I would love Janice to sing this!!)
A Lovely Night (from Rogers and Hammerstein's Cinderella)- Miss Piggy, Janice, Annie Sue and Camilla
A Little Fall Of Rain (from Les Miserables)- Scooter and Annie Sue (Don't ask....I just thought these two would be the best choice for this song. Floyd and Janice would work too, but something about picturing Scooter and Annie Sue singing this just makes this sound a little better)
Death Is Just Around The Corner (from The Addams Family Musical)- Uncle Deadly and a chorus line of random ghosts and zombies (Do I smell a kick line?)
The Corrupt Bargain (from Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson)- Lead by The Female Singers (let's give these ladies a moment in the limelight!) and a bunch of whatnot versions of John Calhoun, John Quincy Adams, Henry Clay, and others mentioned in the song. Rowlf (or Dr. Teeth, whichever one makes more sense) is on piano and Animal on drums, accompanying this number. (Let's give the good viewers some good old education here.......... (care to view?)