It is First World Persecution, no doubt about it, lol.
First World persecution as in First world nutrition crisis is that our kids are fat from drinking Hi-C, and not that our kids are dying from drinking water with animal diarrhea in it.
History is full of stories of religious persecution where either those died defending their beliefs or killed pushing their beliefs. A little name calling is completely and utterly microscopic.
But my main problem is thus...
Why does everyone supposedly hate Christians in this country? Because they want to have all the power, or rather their leaders do. The Catholic Church wants a HUGE say in our government, but they don't want to give up their tax exempt status. That's just one example. I said it before and I'll say it again. The law of the Land is separation of Church and state, and we ALL have to follow those rules. And not all of us have money or influence to buy up the government and give us loopholes. We should NOT have laws based on hang ups rationalized by some obscure religious passage.
Laws are written to protect us from being killed, raped, and any other harm befalling us, punishing those who have harmed us. Not stopping us from getting things or marrying people of a consenting age because some guy doesn't like it. We have these guys complaining about Government over-reach, and how we have to deregulate business so they can find cheap, corner cutting reach arounds that do indeed harm us (I.e. the decisions that lead to the banking collapse), but these same people want big old government to protect them from the gays and women who dare have cysts they want to control so they don't... you know... die.
As much as I have a distaste for the "Hands offen mah gold" old prospector with an old timey rifle aspects of Libertarianism, I'm hearing more and more things like allowing gay marriage and isolationism that make more sense than the other 2 parties combined. THAT stuff is the dangerous government overreach we should be worried about.