Yeah... I'm done trying to have a discussion with someone who apparently watched just enough of South Park to see someone tell a joke that should never be told again, yet clearly didn't see the episode "Simpsons Did It," where that complaint was met with a resounding "WHO CARES?!"
Drtooth, I applaud your South Park knowledge! Yeah, the Simpsons Did It joke is interesting, and relevant to the question of old jokes. I disagree with your interpretation of the episode, though: I think Parker and Stone are dealing with their frustration at how difficult it can be to come up with new things. Their resolution is not to throw up their hands and say, oh, hey, originality doesn't matter! It's to acknowledge how awesome the Simpsons was, not sweat being the first to an idea too much, and keep trying to be as fresh and funny as possible. But I'll happily acknowledge that this isn't the only possible interpretation.
It is, however, rather silly to declare that there's no such thing as relative freshness or tiredness with jokes. I hope you're not
really trying to commit such silliness here, in such fine company.
I'd say 90% of Muppedom has found this a heartfelt tribute... a couple guys don't like it. That's the way it usually goes. Better to have that than everyone unanimously hating it.
Why are you so threatened by a different take on the film? I disagree with you (and Puckrox) and have offered up arguments and explanations for my opinions. It's as if you think the forum somehow has to come to a consensus on whether this was good or not. Silly, silly, silly.