I hate it when anyone tries to play the race card. I mean, seriously? Some people just always have to twist things around to make it seem racist. Recently, Rush Limbuagh recently used the word 'uppity' when talking about Michele Obama being booed at a Nascar race. The Merriam-Webster definition of 'uppity' is "arrogant, presumptuous." I don't condemn Rush for having this opinion about the first lady. But, yesterday, on World News, ABC decided to show the slang definition of 'uppity' which basically means an African-American who doesn't know their place. WHAT? So, they're calling Limbaugh a racist by making it seem like Rush was using the slang version. Seriously, I'm just tired of the race card being played. Sure, racism definitely does exist. But, please, stop trying to make it seem like something's racist when it really is not.