Get Rid of that King!

Sgt Floyd

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2006
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Looking back at the posts I made in this thread...yikes

I'm happy they are officially retiring the king. Now I wont need to sleep with a flamethrower XD


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Looking back at the posts I made in this thread...yikes

I'm happy they are officially retiring the king. Now I wont need to sleep with a flamethrower XD

Still... I forget the last time I even saw him on a commercial. They've been just doing close ups of their different burgers and chicken sandwiches lately.

Did they get rid of that terrible BK kids puppet king or the childish family yet too? I don't even know if they do BK Kids commercials anymore.

On the other hand, I think I saw Ronald McDonald ONCE in the past couple years on some weird commercial, and I can't even tell if it was supposed to be a kid's commercial or not. They seem to have gotten rid of him in favor of ugly CGI characters that are supposedly "quirky"


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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On the other hand, I think I saw Ronald McDonald ONCE in the past couple years on some weird commercial, and I can't even tell if it was supposed to be a kid's commercial or not. They seem to have gotten rid of him in favor of ugly CGI characters that are supposedly "quirky"
He was in a new commercial just recently where he's doing a jam session with a couple of guys playing upside down buckets and trashcans as drums in a park.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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He was in a new commercial just recently where he's doing a jam session with a couple of guys playing upside down buckets and trashcans as drums in a park.
That's the one. Seriously. I miss the heck out of Grimace and Hamburgaler and all them... we can't even have Ronald because kids don't even like him that much anymore... but they like quirky CGI animations that look like garbage.

The King was just... well, the whole commercial series came from the awkward humor era where every joke got you a laugh because you were disturbed, not actually because you felt it was funny. Though, after a while, I dug the King for his camp value. I mean, the cheap BK X-Box games were reportedly so horrible they were funny.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Seriously. I miss the heck out of Grimace and Hamburgaler and all them...
Yeah... and the last symmbols of them recently disappeared in my town: one of our McDonalds had this huge blown-up photo of the entire gang ont the side of its building: Ronald, Hamburglar, Grimmace, Birdie, the Fry Kids, etc for YEARS, then recently, they repainted the building, and they all disappeared.

I think perhaps the disappearance of Ronald has to do with they actually had to do an official survey here a few years ago to prove that kids don't like clowns.

Sgt Floyd

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2006
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Likening Ronald to the Marlboro Man seems a bit extreme :/


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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Likening Ronald to the Marlboro Man seems a bit extreme :/
I agree. The difference is, you can eat burgers once and awhile and still be healthy. But there is no compromise with cigarettes; they're just unhealthy, period.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Likening Ronald to the Marlboro Man seems a bit extreme :/
Maybe because they're extremists. They're the same people that want to ruin childhood favorites at a time when kids need them the most. Ronald ISN'T the reason why kids eat that stuff, and everyone knows it. Kids have like, zero taste buds and feel they can subside on pizza and ice cream. When your an adult, you learn to taste things more complex and enjoy them. Why, there's plenty of stuff I'd never eat as a kid I eat now, and plenty of stuff I liked as a kid that I outright refuse to eat.

Their intentions are good, but completely misdirected and pointless. I'd liken them to the "athiests" that protest the word "God" on the dollar bill, but when it comes to separation of Church and state that matters, they're always absent. If they cared sooooo much about children's health, they'd push legislation for every kid to get access to good food and good health care. But no... they waste time suing Spongebob for wanting to get kids to eat cereal that wasn't fiber formulated for constipated 50 year olds with stomache ulcers.

There's a specific reason why they market junk food to kids. They're the only ones that can metabolize it. Once you hit a certain age, you cannot process food from McDonalds. It's a scientific proven fact.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2009
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I agree. The difference is, you can eat burgers once and awhile and still be healthy. But there is no compromise with cigarettes; they're just unhealthy, period.
Then again, I've heard of several long-time smokers who live into old age.