Well Dr Tooth, notice how every single "bad guy" America turns on are the very ones it supported? Obama/Bush, the UK, Italy and France were BFF with Ghadafy until January of this year. Libya is all about the oil, sorry to say. Why arent we attacking Syria? Syria is doing way worse than Ghadafy, yet noones talking about "NATO intervention". I think you have this illusion that only Republicans or the Bush neocons are war mongers.(no offense) The republicans typically are worse tho...LBJ got the US into the Vietnam mess, but Nixon and Kissinger turned it into an all out southeast asian genocide by the early 1970's.
But back to my point; Reagan helped prop up Saddam and the Taliban, Clinton helped finance the Taliban in Afghanistan and al Qaeda against the Serbian armies during the former Yugoslavian war, and from 2003-early 2011 Ghadafy was a business partner with the West. Oh! I almost forgot Noriega. Bush Sr blew up 3500 Panamanians Christmas of 1989 just to get his former CIA drug running pal Noriega(Iran Contra was also tied to CIA drug smuggling operations) Bin Laden of course came from the Mujahadeen anti Soviet campaign days.
It's all bull to me. After WW2 we should have just stayed the heck out of everyone's business. The problem is, everyone claiming to be isolationists on the right are just saying that to garner votes. There's no doubt in my mind that we'd be in even worse when Romney gets elected (he will. He will). And half the Americans who claim to want isolationism are the very same ones that had Footprint of the American Chicken and Let's bomb France next bumper stickers.
No matter who we get, left, right, or inbetween, we'll always be stuck at constant war with that crazy freakbutt part of the world. If it isn't oil, it's buttkissing the Israeli government. And if it isn't that, it's some rich oil baron's lazy good for nothing brat son wanting to kill everyone cause he read a book and got bored with his life. It's a crazy area, and if these people want to revolt and put even worse dictators in charge, let them freaking die and spend money for it. We should have learned our lessons all those other times.
As much as I would have hated President Trump, he did make ONE good point. Why aren't these countries PAYING us to over throw dictators? They're not giving us any oil. Heck, only reason oil's so expensive is because a bunch of rich stock trading twits started telling sci-fi stories about China, and were so happy to see a country go to war that produces SO little oil, you could just squeeze and olive to get the same amount.
Which brings me to my big beef...
If people are oh so ticked off about oil prices and foreign warfare, why do they poopoo the idea of alternative energies? The loudmouths that tell them they're sissies if they don't drive huge cars that guzzle gas, yet look manly are PAID by the oil industry. What do the Conservatives that were just elected by angry old people want to cut most from the budget (besides Medicare)? Researching new alternative sources. We've been warned about oil since the 70's, and no one did a darn thing. We keep getting into deals with terrorists then fighting them to get the junk...
It's not worth it! I don't see why they still deserve the tax cut AND a bug fat check bonus for NOT doing anything. Come on! There has to be a way to create something they can still bilk the American people on that doesn't get us involved in psychopath parts of the world.
If the GOP candidates were actually sincere about isolationism, which they ARE NOT, I'd listen. They have a strategy. They know how to manipulate the system. If Obama stayed the heck out of Libya, they'd call him out on being in cahoots with Muslins or something. I'd love nothing MORE than an actual factual isolationist to come out, but we're not going to get one. There's too much sweet sweet money to be made for the people who sell weapons to both sides.