MC - The Revival


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2002
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Me: Gonzo's here! Cool!

Hey, Gonzo- done anything weird lately?
:concern:- You know, actually- I really haven't.
And THAT's weird for me!
Me: All right- a self-fulfilling prophecy!
:attitude:- What ISN'T weird for you?
Me: You got him there, Sam.
Just remember- different isn't always necessarily wrong. It's just different.
Nothing to blow up over.
:crazy: (yelling from across the continent) Did somebody say "blow up"?
Me: Now, this guy- randomly blowing things up- that is wrong.
Here we go again- hit the deck!
(Crazy Harry hits the deck first with his bomb, causing everyone to fall off into the lake.)
Me: Why are we all wet? I said "deck" not "dock".
[Special aside- yes, I know "deck" can refer to a ship too- but hopefully this corny joke's payoff will be worth it. We now return you to your regularly scheduled Muppety mayhem.]
Crazy Harry- Sorry, I was stuck between a dock and a hard place.
(*Collective Groan*)
The two Snowths and Manah Manah walk up with guitars and drums ("Collective Groan" is written on the drum like a band name) singing "Heaven, let your light shine down"
Muppet Newsman- Muppet NewsFlash- That was a collective groan from the depths of their collective souls, not a song request.
Snowths- Hrrrmmmm (disapproving looks)
Manah Manah- mmm- Manah Manah!


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2004
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*eating popcorn* I can't keep up with you guys... *snuggles into her bean bag and happily pours more butter on her popcorn*

Gonzo's Hobbit

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2009
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*stares at GonzoLeaper*
I didn't uinderstand a word of that. But that's okay, I don't understand a lot of things.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2002
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Sorry to be confusing- it was a confusing scene to me too somewhat. It started as one thing and led to another- I was trying for a reference in-joke to a band (though I only like the one song I mentioned and don't really listen to them otherwise...)
:embarrassed:- A reference in-joke? I know a great one! Have you heard about that guy who just can't catch a break when looking for work? He even tried to put his list of references in the hiring manager's office in box, but as soon he leaves, it goes right over to the out box!
:super:- Oh, I get it. In, out- that's what this song is all about!
:smirk:- I think we're getting more confused...again.
Me: Oh well- I tried....

Maybe it's time to lay this one to rest- where's that popcorn?

Gonzo's Hobbit

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2009
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I'm sure you tried :smile:
We crack jokes all the time at work and there was one day where they all just fell flat (you would not believe how demoralizing that is)
Oooh, popcorn's nice. Does anyone else have days where they absolutely love popcorn but then they get sick of it like 2 hours later?


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2002
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Oh yeah- been there, done that. A couple of times. I've got a little stockpile of microwaveable popcorn that's nice to pull out on a Friday night when I know I can stay up late and watch movies all evening. Haha- pizza, Mountain Dew and popcorn- I've spent a number of Friday evenings like that. It's a fun combo every so often.:smile:


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
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Drat, I'm always late for these things...

Anyway, going with the current conversation on hand (though not on puppets), I do that too. It happens with popcorn sometimes, but my thing is potato chips. I'll do a Cookie Monster
: on a fresh bag, and 5 minutes later I'll be like "ug, why?"

And although it might not be the official thread to do so, I'm glad I'm not too late to say, happy birthday Muppet Central! I look forward to doing my part to returning you to your former glory!

Gonzo's Hobbit

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2009
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What are you talking about? This seems like a great place to celebrate MC's teen brithday.

*To various Muppets*
What do you guys think?

Gobo: Sounds like a great idea
Pepe:Let's have a fiesta h'okay!
Beaker:Meep Meep Mepp!
Swedish Chef:Irshdey berndie bork! *bakes cake*
Crazy Harry:I'll bring thefireworks!


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2010
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Junior Gorg: Hey, Fwaggles! Muppets! Come on over hewe!

Gobo Fraggle: Hope it's not something confusing!

Junior Gorg: No! Check out this postcard that just happened to fly into the thread! The sender is someone by the name of Traveling Matt?

Gobo Fraggle: Oh! That's my uncle! Gimme gimme!

*grabs postcard from Junior*

Gobo Fraggle: It reads: Dear Nephew...

Uncle Traveling Matt: ... Gobo, as I've searched Outer Space many times, it seems I always stumble upon a certain peice of technology! It is bigger than a Doozer but it's smaller than a Gorg! And it's said to be used for information purposes. Who knows - it could be a portable Trash Heap! Though, it resembles Marjory little!

After examining it closely, I decided to use it! It seems to have many buttons and keys! The keys each have a letter of the Fraggle alphabet! And you, as I've been told, type them to make words! You then type a word into something called a Google and then the Google gives you various... sites for you to choose from!

It seems a little difficult, nephew! But this box-like device is filled with information! This one site even has us Fraggles on it! It seems to be called Muppet Central! It has a forum on it too! Whatever that is! I hope you loved my documentation! Tell every Fraggle of this amazing discovery! Love...

Gobo Fraggle:... your Uncle Traveling Matt!

Junior Gorg: Wow!

Wembley Fraggle: Amazing!

Digit: That's where we are!

Red Fraggle: Boring...

Big Bird: I liked it!


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
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I liked it too! But technology is often confusing enough for us silly creatures... Henson help fraggles if they were to get their hands on it!
Oh, and throwing an impromptue party for MC sounds like a great idea! Let's see, what can I contribute? Ooh, I've got lots of snapple here! And chocolate covered espresso beans, if you're into that sort of thing.