I don't want to get too big into politics here, but I will say that I respect Jimmy Carter for what he tried to do as President. He was unabashed about his Christianity and I appreciate that and I think he tried to do the best he could as President. Unfortunately, he didn't accomplish too much in that avenue, but I give him credit for trying with the SALT and START talks.
And I really, really like how he did his inauguration. He didn't take a limo and he didn't parade around or anything. He walked.
I read somewhere that he purposely did that in an effort to identify with the American people and to be humble about his position. I do respect that. And I definitely respect all the great work he's done with Habitat for Humanity. He certainly deserves the Nobel Peace Prize for that, which he got in 2002.
Anyway, I have the same policy about every President. All of them deserve respect because of the title they have because they have been elected President. I may not always like everything they do or agree with them on everything, but I do respect their position. I also pray for the President and the governor for that matter and those in authority as Romans 13 commands. God sets up those He wants in power and He takes them down as well. Thus, I do believe that everyone should exercise their right to vote and when it comes to voting, I just say to vote for whoever you think God wants you to vote for.
And ultimately, no matter who is elected, while I do pledge allegiance to the flag and to the Republic for which it stands as one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all- I ultimately pledge allegiance to Jesus because I'm a citizen of Heaven before being a citizen of any country on Earth. (Philippians 3:20)