I'm just gonna jump out of the conversation for the minute and agree right there. I've been on extremes on BOTH sides when it came to message board moderation. Boards where you so much as cough out of turn run by hack fans and snobs you get an non-deletable warning. Boards where certain members did nothing but tear down anyone with any opinion (doesn't matter how educated it was) and NEVER EVER were penalized because they were friends of the board owners. No matter how 10 year old spoiled Eric Cartman bullyish they were.To others, I have not found a more member-friendly website forum out there than this. Moderation on Star Wars, Ghostbusters, Wizard magazine...you will get suspended for questioning moderation and banned if you bring it up again. They delete posts and threads as quickly as they are posted. That's just not so here! Also, if you have to start a thread that says something similar to "...this will probably be deleted," then it probably will be. Why bother posting it? I would think that folks would know what works well 'round here and what doesn't.
And as Sonic the Hedgehog would say, "It's your board! No one has the right to be touchy if you don't want them to." Basically, you have the right to close anything down. It's your board. You kick people out of your house if they break stuff, right?
But to get back to the point at hand, we live in annoyingly polarizing times that unfortunately didn't end with Bush's term. I guess too many of people like me were hoping to see old school "I disagree" politics, and we still got the "If you agree with them, yer a commie traitor pinko coward" stuff. And I can't even blame the politicians for that. It's ALL the media.
And I'd love to be the bigger man and say, "It's both sides," it is mostly the right. And ONLY because the right is more marketable. I mean, if you were a big business, who would you rather side with? Someone who will make sure you have lower taxes, of course. Plus the whole Noise makes News thing that's polluted everyone's matter of thinking. Sure, there are insufferable people on the left... Rachel Wazzwename and Keith Whositzface (anyone else is below the radar and I can't name them)... but personally they get outnumbered by Glen Beck's multiple personalities alone. It's JUST where the money is. I remember a LOT of radio hosts that switched to the right for the money, and when people starred hating Bush for like his last year, they pretended to switch to Libertarian. I SO wish there were more people like Ben Stein or McCain's Daughter who would calmly argue their point across without bullying or name calling or emasculating anyone into believing what they believe. But hey! That doesn't sell books and ratings, and the gold industry DOESN'T want to get behind that, now do they?
All and all, I just think it's horrifying that the only reliable news source is comedians. Mocking the truth is STILL bringing the truth to light. NO one wants to relive those horrible Neo-Huac days of Freedom Fries and black and whiteness. And that's exactly what everyone's STILL doing. it disgusts me to the core, and it doesn't matter which side you're on. And ANY network that talks smack about Sesame Street is a heartless monster. Do they wanna take down Santa Claus too?