Controversial Topics


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2008
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Which is why it never ceases to amaze me when people gripe about not trusting the government. The industries that slip government cash they claim not to have to pay their employees decent wages are the ones we shouldn't trust.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Which is why it never ceases to amaze me when people gripe about not trusting the government. The industries that slip government cash they claim not to have to pay their employees decent wages are the ones we shouldn't trust.
AB-SO-LUTE-LY! Exactly what I said. They're the ones that cut corners and do reprehensible stuff to try to squeeze out a tiny bit more. And NONE of that goes back into the pockets of their employees. Maybe the stock holders.

As I said, if someone in government slips up, you just vote them out of office. Someone in corporate screws up, they give a slap on the wrist "firing" of the CEO (sometimes for good PR, they say he's "stepping down"), give him an unreasonable amount of money from the company as "severance" and hire another idiot who will make the same exact mistakes the other guy did. The problem with everything that happened is that NO ONE learned a lesson from the S and L bail out of the 80's, nor did they learn the lesson of Enron. Those who don't learn their history are doomed to repeat it. Simple as that.

Look at what happened to the car industry. There was a wave of excess and greed hitting the country in 2000 that lead to people buying oversized gas guzzling cars. No one remembered the 1970's oil shortage. Then, all the sudden, oil hit 5 bucks a gallon with NO EXCUSE (they had no hurricanes to blame) and people stopped buying SUV's. And that caused an industry to collapse when all the other industries were collapsing.... and I truly blame the oil industry, and even worse, the money hungry oil speculators who drove the prices up, causing a fake shortage... and that really helped the economy to careen out of control.

But hey, at least the bailed out American car industry didn't try to cut corners by using stale Twinkies for brake pads. :insatiable:


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2007
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I like things the way they are. I know it may seem like it's ' too strict ' here but it really wouldn't be a safe place it it wasn't. And why would anyone want to pick anything like that in a site like this which has been known for it's safty for all reading.
I know other sites that have sutch topics exsist and if someone wants to discuss those topics they can do so on those boards. Not saying anything bad just think it would be safer if it was kept the way it is. :smile:

I want to see some controversial topics on here. I know this is a "G" rated, family oriented/ kid friendly site and I have no problem with that, I just want to see some more interesting topics besides things that address new movies, or television shows you watch, or the weather. However, I think if I created a topic, say about the family shipping their adopted child back to Russia or a thread about unemployment, it might get deleted.


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2002
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I like things the way they are. I know it may seem like it's ' too strict ' here but it really wouldn't be a safe place it it wasn't. And why would anyone want to pick anything like that in a site like this which has been known for it's safty for all reading.
I know other sites that have sutch topics exsist and if someone wants to discuss those topics they can do so on those boards. Not saying anything bad just think it would be safer if it was kept the way it is. :smile:
A very good posting. I agree whole-heartedly.


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2002
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I have said this before but I feel that if America wants to fix it's self with unempolyment, and health care, and debt that it need to invest in it's self. Make it easier for small bussness to open, and stay open. insteed of makeing all our goods over seas open plants and such in our local towns. basicly bulid America back up.
Not gonna happen. If this country really, and I do mean really, wanted to lower unemployment the big businesses need to bring all the jobs from over seas back here so people can have a job. But that's not going to happen. Businesses are smart, greedy but smart, and have figured out they can pay people over seas pennies for a job compared to paying someone over here more money to do the same job. They pay people over seas less money while the money they save goes back to them and their lackeys. Big business isn't hard to figure out, he he.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2008
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It's my personal belief that if you want to be an American company, you should stick to American rules. If you want to be like another country and pay its workers in a couple of potato chips a day, then you need to be shipped wholesale to that country and never darken our doors again.

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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It comes down to whose comfort zone we’re protecting and Muppet Central turns a blind eye. I agree that this should be a Muppety place so religious and politically themed general discussions topics should be kept to a minimum.
Either way...wouldn't it be great if people were more like Muppets...different and crazy, yet still found a way to get along?
You said it exactly the way I should have. I agree with both posts.

To others, I have not found a more member-friendly website forum out there than this. Moderation on Star Wars, Ghostbusters, Wizard will get suspended for questioning moderation and banned if you bring it up again. They delete posts and threads as quickly as they are posted. That's just not so here! Also, if you have to start a thread that says something similar to "...this will probably be deleted," then it probably will be. Why bother posting it? I would think that folks would know what works well 'round here and what doesn't.

I think someone also missed my point about what I was saying when mentioning our "furry and fleece friends," and I should be more clear: I would like to see posts and topics in the vein of Jim Henson and his creations' realm of thinking (including Dark Crystal, Cloud Forest, anything Jim Henson)--and you know my rule: If it's said on SS, TMS or FR I will allow it here. That said: Yes, that definitely means that the posts about religious and political topics would be forgotten about, and I'd be cool with that. I don't recall Jim Henson discussing either of those topics.

We're on MUPPET CENTRAL, a website dedicated to celebrating Jim Henson and his works, gang. Even in topics that aren't about Jim Henson and his works we can find subjects (I would expect) that are in the vein of that.

There are forums out there which are based on religion, politics, and controversy which, based on what I've seen posted above, are apparently more member-friendly than here and welcome that kind of topical conversation.

For me, I need an escape from reality. Maybe it's because I have to face it everyday...not sure about other folks; but, why do you want to deal with it in real life and then virtually? I want to be able to go somewhere and have fun and I just don't find that fun when I have to end up getting reported posts and then mediate a flame war.

Then again, it looks like ryhoyarbie got his wish as this thread has within its borders its own controversy! Ha ha. :coy:


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2008
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Fozzie Bear said:
To others, I have not found a more member-friendly website forum out there than this. Moderation on Star Wars, Ghostbusters, Wizard will get suspended for questioning moderation and banned if you bring it up again.
I get it ... yay laissez-faire.
I think someone also missed my point about what I was saying when mentioning our "furry and fleece friends," and I should be more clear
Considering a lot of people seem to want to pretend there never was anything icky or not nice in Henson lore, I still think my criticism is apt. This is not me saying I have learned to hate it here. I'm not there yet. I admire the family-friendly atmosphere. It's just that families aren't just kids, either. Being a family seems to be important until the adults want to address something more serious than buying a toy or what letter of the day was on Sesame Street last week. Please understand ... I admire things like the more mature fanfiction get kept instead of censored/deleted. I just wish I didn't feel as though I had to live in the fanfic ghetto to address certain topics, which thankfully are mostly canon issues, so I can justify it. It doesn't take a formal study to see that people review/respond more to "lighter" topics/fics/games. That's their perogative, to be sure. It just makes those of us opening our mouths and words are coming out feel like we're on the Ratings episode of JHH and out comes Bean and everyone else gets ignored. This is less of a complaint than a statement of how some, including me, feel. If I truly despised this place, I'd leave. I left the Pokemon boards I used to go to because even mods would flame. I've met a couple of people so far I can talk to here and elsewhere, and I'm thankful. Some used to talk and now say absolutely nothing for no apparent reason. That kind of thing hurts, particularly when I can't imagine why it's happening.
I don't recall Jim Henson discussing either of those topics.
Note for future reference, MC folks: If you want a religious discussion ... frame it as listening to a bunch of different radio commercials and it should be okay since that's how dear Jim brought it up in FR. Metaphor is your friend. :big_grin: Or, alternatively, you could just go the Dinosaurs route and flat out mock what doesn't work. Jim invented the Sinclair family, so it should be all good. Lots of religious criticisms (as well as legal ... how many times do we have to see the running joke about a judge saying guilty before the trial?) appear. If we can only talk about stuff Jim's properties addressed ... that still keeps the field wide open, actually.
For me, I need an escape from reality.
Until I started working and found a knowledgable resident I could talk to, you know what my reality is? I can only discuss topics with my brother. That's it. It must be nice for some people in real life to have a social outlet. Not all of us are blessed with that and have to go online to talk. I'm trying to escape too ... loneliness and frustration.
Then again, it looks like ryhoyarbie got his wish as this thread has within its borders its own controversy!
LOL! And it draws people in to give their two cents!


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2002
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We're on MUPPET CENTRAL, a website dedicated to celebrating Jim Henson and his works, gang. Even in topics that aren't about Jim Henson and his works we can find subjects (I would expect) that are in the vein of that.
I get that I'm on Muppet Central. I also know this is the GENERAL SECTION, a place to talk about anything general that doesn't pertain to anything Henson related. Hence why people can talk about anything in the general section of any website that doesn't relate to what the website is about.

I understand people need an escape from reality. That's why people get on the internet and surf the web, listen to music, go exercise, watch tv, etc. But I was just trying to ask about creating more interesting topics in the general section that most people don't talk about around here besides cartoons, weather, someone dying, foods one likes, the 80's, the 90's, etc.

Just trying to spice up the general section of Muppet Central with some more flavor.

Then again, it looks like ryhoyarbie got his wish as this thread has within its borders its own controversy! Ha ha.
I strike again, ha ha ha ha ha..........?:search: