Stuff like that is WHY I don't agree with pro-lifers... then again, I don't like either side....There are WORSE things you can do to a child, and this is one of them. Someone around here tried to trade their baby for beer... and we HAVE to have all these strict rules about who can and can't (mostly can't) adopt? Poppycock! Any moron can have a baby, but you have to give them the moon if you want to adopt. Am I the only one seeing a horrible gap in logic that bums can have children to barter for drugs, but if two people of the same gender want to adopt a baby for a loving, well wishing, parent child bond, they get turned down? No body really cares about child safety! People talk a good game, but when it comes to doing anything, they're all thumbs.
Again, bullies. They're limping a day late/dollar short bill through Congress, and CN is apparently planning a big Anti-Bully PSA plan.... but that didn't stop a bunch of local kids from tormenting a mentally disabled kid into getting obscene tattoos... and those bullies have nazi insignias tatooed on them. Really... if they ever SAW a real nazi, and they spent 2 seconds in one of those cramped box cars they transported people they captured in, their intestines would explode. They'd cry until Mommy gave them a grilled cheese and bought them new ultraviolent X-Box games.