What is WRONG with some people?


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2006
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What I want to know is what WRONG with the WORLD these days?

Why are people going on shooting/raping/killing/burglary sprees lately? Why are teenagers strangling themselves/setting themselves on fire/making homemade bombs out of baking soda/beating the crap out of each other and posting it all on YouTube? Why are young girls being pressured into s l u t t i f y i n g themselves and losing their virginity before they've even reached the legal age of adulthood? Why do young boys make it a point to bed as many girls are possible thinking it gives them a good reputation? Why are people making babies, then having them aborted when they shouldn't have been horsing around in the first place? Why is it now considered acceptable for little kids to swear?

Why has it come to all of this? How much worse are things going to get in the decades to come?
I hate to think, Snowth. :frown: I agree with you that they shouldn't be mucking around in the first place, and at *such* a young age. I try not to interfere with the business of others, but it *does* effect the lives of others and I just wish people would be more responsible, y'know? With abortion, I'm personally pro-choice. BUT... it shouldn't be an excuse for peeps to have unprotected sex all the time. =/ And as for teenagers hurting themselves and then posting it on youtube... I dunno, it doesn't make sense to me. :/ Teenagers are weird, one tiny bad thing happens in their lives (eg; having a lousy day at school) and they resort to doing stupid stuff like that. They lack in experience, but instead of learning to be resiliant and learn from their mistakes they think it's fun to hurt themselves (an ego thing? A self-pity thing? I don't know, I'm not going to get into details). Not trying to sound all suprior or whatever, but guess what? I deal with my problems. And I have hobbies. And I *do* wish girls would have a little more self-respect and assertiveness. I have horror stories, but it's not my place to say. I just wish they wouldn't do certain things, because it's just so low. No wonder so many people still generalise females.

As for the baby in the car... argh, what a shame. People. I can't believe it. :frown: What a waste. "An accident". Huh. This is really upsetting... some people are so irresponsible.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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When kids get cell phones, some of them know how to use them right, but there are some kids who will do what Bart Simpson did and either crank call people or try to call Australia just to see if the water goes clockwise down the toilet.

If parents don't want phone bills with massive long distance charges from who-knows-where, they should wait a while before giving the kid a cell phone.

As for that couple who left their baby in the car...I hope the judge threw the book at 'em. It's just a sadness beyond words when someone does something like that. It's the same thing for pets. People do that to their dogs, unfortunately. Their lives are worth something, too!

I can only hope the baby went quietly and painlessly.

What is wrong with some people? That's a big question. I've lived in a lot of places and each place, some people do things that shock and horrify me.

I can give you one example. I used to live in a town that had a lot of problems with its school system. Among many many problems, this school turned a blind eye towards the use of corporal punishment. Yes, kids from junior high on up in this town got harmed physically (as well as verbally).

We're not talking about paddling or a simple (literal) slap on the wrist. We're talking about punching and hitting. You read that right...teachers punching and hitting students.

One teacher got away with this for 31 years before he retired. One time, the student showed his bruises to his parents (and their lawyer) and still the teacher weaseled his way out of getting fired. (How, I don't know).

Another teacher had a different signature move. One student came to class a minute late. The teacher took two fingers and jammed them into the student's collarbone, making him sink to the floor in pain. The teacher didn't say a word. He just stood there, expressionless, like Lurch from "The Addams Family" and continued to press his fingers in.

Oh yes, this guy was also the vice principal...who got away with it for about 30 years before he retired.

Why didn't he get the axe? Well, he was also a coach, a status which made him very popular in that town. See, the town advertised itself through sports. The coach/vice principal had a lot of victory games during his career. The coach coached the althletes, which made the school look good which made the town look good.

Another teacher (yet another coach) got away with a lot of physical and verbal abuse as well... He had even more pull than the vice principal and what happened? The high school tore down and rebuilt the gym and dedicated it to him. He was (and still is) hailed a hero. The town refuses to see that the emperor has no clothes. Speaking of emperor, the man was very much a "Senator Palpatine". The scene in "Revenge of the Sith" where the entire Senate cheers him as the Galactic Empire is born? It was the same thing with this guy and the gym dedication.

Why haven't the police done anything? Well, the rumblings were that the vice principal (plus others) was good friends with the cops...plus the cops were a mixture of Chief Wiggums and Barney Fifes who are too busy with something else: enforcing the curfew. Yes, this town had (maybe still has) an 11PM curfew for anyone under 21.

See, the town is mainly run by a lot of senior citizens who basically see younger people (teenagers in particular) as vermin. Instead of looking for drunk drivers/concentrating on crime, the cops cruise the streets constantly, looking for anyone under 21 to scrutinize.

One day, an old woman was out driving in this town, jumped the curb and rammed into a "No Parking" sign, bending it over. She was parked...two wheels on the curb, two off. No one mentioned a thing about it.

A couple nights later, a teenage girl (in the same town) was going home after work. It was 11:05PM. On the way home, the cops pulled over and she got a fine...for being outside of her home after curfew. Her crime? Going home after work. There was no bus in that town and she didn't have a car. She had to walk home.

There's an old bum who has lived in the town for about 50 years who rides his bicycle right down the middle of the street, looking for soda cans to put in his basket. he has no concept of left or right. To him, the street is the street. He's oblivious to the traffic that has narrowly missed him for years. It's dangerous both to him and the drivers. He wanted breakfast one morning, so he wandered into someone's home and just started eating the food out of some couple's fridge.

Have the cops done anything about him? Nope.

Meanwhile, a coffee house/internet cafe opened, then was quickly shut down because it didn't appeal to the senior citizens. According to them, it just "wasn't necessary". The real reason it shut down is that it was something for the teenagers to do...which was frowned upon.

That's just a mere sample of what I could really tell.

That's why I really appreciate people who actually have a brain in their head and see things for how they really are. I appreciate those even more who don't get bogged down by all the negativity in the world and can do something positive. That's one of the big reasons I admire Jim so much. It gave me hope that there were people out there in the world with the same type of attitude as him...a light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak.

Convincing John
CJ..I sat here reading your post & with each paragraph my eyes got wider & wider! With everything that happened in your old town is horrible!:eek: The insanity of some people! Wow! I live in a 55 & over community & am extremely grateful that none of this stuff that happened in your old community happens in mine.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Why haven't the police done anything? Well, the rumblings were that the vice principal (plus others) was good friends with the cops...plus the cops were a mixture of Chief Wiggums and Barney Fifes who are too busy with something else: enforcing the curfew. Yes, this town had (maybe still has) an 11PM curfew for anyone under 21.

See, the town is mainly run by a lot of senior citizens who basically see younger people (teenagers in particular) as vermin. Instead of looking for drunk drivers/concentrating on crime, the cops cruise the streets constantly, looking for anyone under 21 to scrutinize.

One day, an old woman was out driving in this town, jumped the curb and rammed into a "No Parking" sign, bending it over. She was parked...two wheels on the curb, two off. No one mentioned a thing about it.

A couple nights later, a teenage girl (in the same town) was going home after work. It was 11:05PM. On the way home, the cops pulled over and she got a fine...for being outside of her home after curfew. Her crime? Going home after work. There was no bus in that town and she didn't have a car. She had to walk home.

There's an old bum who has lived in the town for about 50 years who rides his bicycle right down the middle of the street, looking for soda cans to put in his basket. he has no concept of left or right. To him, the street is the street. He's oblivious to the traffic that has narrowly missed him for years. It's dangerous both to him and the drivers. He wanted breakfast one morning, so he wandered into someone's home and just started eating the food out of some couple's fridge.

Have the cops done anything about him? Nope.

Meanwhile, a coffee house/internet cafe opened, then was quickly shut down because it didn't appeal to the senior citizens. According to them, it just "wasn't necessary". The real reason it shut down is that it was something for the teenagers to do...which was frowned upon.
UGH! those kind of old people are the WORST! They whine and moan and complain about how the younger generation is so entitled, and they feel they're just as entitled because they were entitled when they were younger and don't want to share anything with anyone because that means people aren't grovelling at their feet. Sure, there are a lot of great Mr. Hooper and Mudfoot Brown types you can meet that share their experience and wisdom, but there are a LOT of cranky, nasty, "We used to be beautiful" types who are just bitter at youngsters and don't want them to have any fun because they can't anymore.

It's basically the whole "If you're not in the 18-50 age group, you don't matter." and frankly, they DID matter when they were 18-50, and they don't want to share with the younger kids. It's the same mislogic that got Jay Leno sympathy for whining and threatening to move to another network, and making Conan go to cable. And frankly, I'm 18-50 and my opinions matter not one iota. Otherwise, there would be something good on TV for me other than the Office and Heroes.

And of course there are the real grouchy old people who want the young people to fight in some random, unwinnable war that they themselves found a way to weasel out of.

It's just yet another example of four legs good, two legs better. And that philosophy is killing everyone.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Wow... this thread exploded whilst I slept.

I pretty much had the same reaction reading your post as Kathy did CJ... and I thought my town was having problems in recent years; the only time I remember a teacher or a faculty member getting physical with a student was one time in middle school in Grade 6, there was a troublesome student who was becoming a threat to other students... the school's security guards (yes, this school was so dangerous that it had to have security guards) were having trouble restraining him, and one of the vice principals lended a hand and actually got the student in a headlock, which freaked a lot of the students out. Other than that, really, the only trouble the teachers in my town (let alone this state unfortunately) are if they're caught having sex with students, which happens just about one a month down here... teacher/student sex scandals are becoming the norm in the news down here.

And wow to how the senior citizens in your town are scoring free passes while the youngens are being treated, like you said, as vermin.

And Kiki, thanks for the insight.

And yes Marty, it is scary to think that this is the world we have to live in now... if only there was a way to fix this.

muppet baby

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2006
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When kids get cell phones, some of them know how to use them right, but there are some kids who will do what Bart Simpson did and either crank call people or try to call Australia just to see if the water goes clockwise down the toilet.

If parents don't want phone bills with massive long distance charges from who-knows-where, they should wait a while before giving the kid a cell phone.

As for that couple who left their baby in the car...I hope the judge threw the book at 'em. It's just a sadness beyond words when someone does something like that. It's the same thing for pets. People do that to their dogs, unfortunately. Their lives are worth something, too!

I can only hope the baby went quietly and painlessly.

What is wrong with some people? That's a big question. I've lived in a lot of places and each place, some people do things that shock and horrify me.

I can give you one example. I used to live in a town that had a lot of problems with its school system. Among many many problems, this school turned a blind eye towards the use of corporal punishment. Yes, kids from junior high on up in this town got harmed physically (as well as verbally).

We're not talking about paddling or a simple (literal) slap on the wrist. We're talking about punching and hitting. You read that right...teachers punching and hitting students.

One teacher got away with this for 31 years before he retired. One time, the student showed his bruises to his parents (and their lawyer) and still the teacher weaseled his way out of getting fired. (How, I don't know).

Another teacher had a different signature move. One student came to class a minute late. The teacher took two fingers and jammed them into the student's collarbone, making him sink to the floor in pain. The teacher didn't say a word. He just stood there, expressionless, like Lurch from "The Addams Family" and continued to press his fingers in.

Oh yes, this guy was also the vice principal...who got away with it for about 30 years before he retired.

Why didn't he get the axe? Well, he was also a coach, a status which made him very popular in that town. See, the town advertised itself through sports. The coach/vice principal had a lot of victory games during his career. The coach coached the althletes, which made the school look good which made the town look good.

Another teacher (yet another coach) got away with a lot of physical and verbal abuse as well... He had even more pull than the vice principal and what happened? The high school tore down and rebuilt the gym and dedicated it to him. He was (and still is) hailed a hero. The town refuses to see that the emperor has no clothes. Speaking of emperor, the man was very much a "Senator Palpatine". The scene in "Revenge of the Sith" where the entire Senate cheers him as the Galactic Empire is born? It was the same thing with this guy and the gym dedication.

Why haven't the police done anything? Well, the rumblings were that the vice principal (plus others) was good friends with the cops...plus the cops were a mixture of Chief Wiggums and Barney Fifes who are too busy with something else: enforcing the curfew. Yes, this town had (maybe still has) an 11PM curfew for anyone under 21.

See, the town is mainly run by a lot of senior citizens who basically see younger people (teenagers in particular) as vermin. Instead of looking for drunk drivers/concentrating on crime, the cops cruise the streets constantly, looking for anyone under 21 to scrutinize.

One day, an old woman was out driving in this town, jumped the curb and rammed into a "No Parking" sign, bending it over. She was parked...two wheels on the curb, two off. No one mentioned a thing about it.

A couple nights later, a teenage girl (in the same town) was going home after work. It was 11:05PM. On the way home, the cops pulled over and she got a fine...for being outside of her home after curfew. Her crime? Going home after work. There was no bus in that town and she didn't have a car. She had to walk home.

There's an old bum who has lived in the town for about 50 years who rides his bicycle right down the middle of the street, looking for soda cans to put in his basket. he has no concept of left or right. To him, the street is the street. He's oblivious to the traffic that has narrowly missed him for years. It's dangerous both to him and the drivers. He wanted breakfast one morning, so he wandered into someone's home and just started eating the food out of some couple's fridge.

Have the cops done anything about him? Nope.

Meanwhile, a coffee house/internet cafe opened, then was quickly shut down because it didn't appeal to the senior citizens. According to them, it just "wasn't necessary". The real reason it shut down is that it was something for the teenagers to do...which was frowned upon.

That's just a mere sample of what I could really tell.

That's why I really appreciate people who actually have a brain in their head and see things for how they really are. I appreciate those even more who don't get bogged down by all the negativity in the world and can do something positive. That's one of the big reasons I admire Jim so much. It gave me hope that there were people out there in the world with the same type of attitude as him...a light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak.

Convincing John

Oh my gosh i am reading this and i am thinking what a sick world we live in . One other thing i have heard simlur stories over in other school systems all over the USA and i think oh my gosh what a world we live in and also how power can really be abused .
The other post that kathy put about the baby being left in the car, a accident my butt , they just did not care and at any cost they where going to get what ever they wanted to get done , in the store that they where in and did not care to much about the kid .
I hope they thorw the book at the couple and put them in jail for life . If they do not put them in jail for life then i have the death penity or after a jail senice is up then they should make them have surgety where they can not have kids anymore


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2007
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I heard of stories like this a lot. I'm like HELLO if the car gets too hot for you what do you think it's doing to your child? I don't drive a car and probably never will I don't think they are safe.
I would never think of leaving a baby in a car for any time with out being watched to be sure he's ok. 13 hours is rediclous when in boubt always check to be sure someone else has him don't just assume things.
I love children and would never think of putting them in harm's way for any reason especially if they can't defend themselves. It's sad really but that's the way it is sometimes.

Hi everyone,
Right now I am furious!:mad: (William & Katie...you know why because you saw my rant on Facebook & responded.So you can skip this if you want.) A couple in California left their 7 month old daughter asleep in their car for 13 hours and the poor little baby died!:cry: The two idiots thought that the other had the baby! HOW STUPID CAN YOU GET? I apologize for "yelling"(typing in all capital letters Online is considered "yelling" & rude) But this is horrible! The couple has a 2 year old who is now in protective custody so thank goodness for that. The couple said it was an "accident". An "accident"? An accident is when you forgot to pick up your car up at the mechanic at 4 and now the mechanic is CLOSED!"Accident" my BUTT!:mad:
You all know I'm not nasty,right? But (as you know) I don't/can't have kids. And it hurts me to know that a baby or child was killed due to a parent's stupidness.If I could have kids I'd treat them like gold! I LOVE my 2 nieces & nephew with all my heart! (I may have grumbled about the way my 3 year old niece was behaving last month.But hey!I still love her!)


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2008
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What I want to know is what WRONG with the WORLD these days?

Why are people going on shooting/raping/killing/burglary sprees lately? Why are teenagers strangling themselves/setting themselves on fire/making homemade bombs out of baking soda/beating the crap out of each other and posting it all on YouTube? Why are young girls being pressured into s l u t t i f y i n g themselves and losing their virginity before they've even reached the legal age of adulthood? Why do young boys make it a point to bed as many girls are possible thinking it gives them a good reputation? Why are people making babies, then having them aborted when they shouldn't have been horsing around in the first place? Why is it now considered acceptable for little kids to swear?

Why has it come to all of this? How much worse are things going to get in the decades to come?
i totally agree. this story is so sad. a little baby. she had a life ahead of her. she missed out on so much cause her parents are idiots. thanks GOD that my parents have been great to me. it makes me so mad to hear about babies/young kids dieing or babies being aborted because they had a life ahead of them! they didnt even get to experience so many great things. thats what makes me wanna cry. and this world needs some help. it rully rully does.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Here's another one...

Just last night in a neighboring county here, a man SOLD HIS BABY FOR DRUGS. That's right, he sold his baby to some dealers so he could get his hands on prescription painkillers that he's gotten himself addicted to.

The man's been arrested, and now the baby's aunt's trying to buy the baby back, or at least trade for it.