Prog Rock (Roger Waters and more)

The Shoe Fairy

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Sep 11, 2008
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-.- Way to rub it in, lawl. I shall go, though. Like... next time. If thar is a Next Time. O_O But there has to be. I'm guessing they played a fair bit of material from The Incident, eh? They Had To Have played "Time Flies", that song is amazing. Rather Floydy, actually (think Animals era, with songs like "Dogs" and "Pigs").
Yeah, they played stuff from '95. Real old gold. They split the show in half, they played through the whole main song cycle of The Incident, and they played Bonnie The Cat in the second half to finish it off. After 5 minutes of solid cheering, we got Trains(!) as the encore. The most amazing live song ever. The second half was all previous material, they only played 1 or 2 songs from Fear Of a Blank Planet. What annoyed me was they played really early stuff instead of Way Out Of Here like they did on alotta the rest of the tour shows. The crowd just went insane with the heavier stuff, and the visuals were just phenomenal; especially during The Blind House.

Last night I taught myself to play Trains; now I can play and sing Steven Wilson's part. Yaay!


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2006
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That's so cool! gah, I love Steven Wilson, I was trying to stalk him when he toured around these parts. x33 I love Fear of a Black Planet, esp. the title song. I so wish I went.


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2008
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Oddly enough (or not?) I knew someone with the album Brain Salad Surgery, though I never heard it. And they moved away years ago.

I saved the ELP youtube links, thanks! And as for your description of "Knife Edge" - tortured moogs sounds good, because moogs are great, and so is going crazy on a song!

Cool about Saga! That'd be funny if I looked them up myself and became the biggest fan...all because of a Halloween cartoon special I've loved since I was 3!

Emailing Snowbird's Floyd cover when ya get a chance would be cool, thank you!

That's cool being an audiophile, I think it's cool to try to get the most lossless quality of a recording..nothin' wrong with that! Does your dad love Prog, too? Also. vinyl had great big artwork...that attention to detail was lost with CDs (and even sad when an album cover from the vinyl age was shrunk for the CD release!) And now...a tiny little jpg on an ipod (I guess it's a ipod yet, myself...)

Very cool you like the Moodies 80s stuff, too, and hopefully they will play by you someday! I know a tour is coming up - not sure of all the venues...

Mike Oldfield sounds familiar...I'm thinking of that "bells" song. But I may be way off! :search:

It's great to hear strange and almost unknown artists! I could make a thread on them...but I'll just list some here:

Jandek (it doesn't get stranger than him! I respect him too, though I can't say I am a "fan"...however, I find how secret he is, as well as how prolific he is, and his music fascinating! Also, how from 1978 to 2004 he put out albums but never did a live show, and no one knew if the guy on his covers was even him. And since 2004 he's played all over...but doesn't address the audience from the stage...just played his stuff and goes. Whoo-hoo! :smile:

Almost unknown:
Kenny Owens (I've heard some songs, but not sure when they were recorded...but I'm 99% sure it's the 50's or VERY early 60's.)


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2006
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Even though I don't know their music, I gotta say congrats on learning that!
Porupine Tree are great, I reckon you'd like 'um. They started around late 80s-early 90s (can't remember) and they're prog-metal (most of their stuff) with a hint of psychedelia. =3

Oddly enough (or not?) I knew someone with the album Brain Salad Surgery, though I never heard it. And they moved away years ago.

I saved the ELP youtube links, thanks! And as for your description of "Knife Edge" - tortured moogs sounds good, because moogs are great, and so is going crazy on a song!

Cool about Saga! That'd be funny if I looked them up myself and became the biggest fan...all because of a Halloween cartoon special I've loved since I was 3!

Emailing Snowbird's Floyd cover when ya get a chance would be cool, thank you!

That's cool being an audiophile, I think it's cool to try to get the most lossless quality of a recording..nothin' wrong with that! Does your dad love Prog, too? Also. vinyl had great big artwork...that attention to detail was lost with CDs (and even sad when an album cover from the vinyl age was shrunk for the CD release!) And now...a tiny little jpg on an ipod (I guess it's a ipod yet, myself...)

Very cool you like the Moodies 80s stuff, too, and hopefully they will play by you someday! I know a tour is coming up - not sure of all the venues...

Mike Oldfield sounds familiar...I'm thinking of that "bells" song. But I may be way off!

It's great to hear strange and almost unknown artists! I could make a thread on them...but I'll just list some here:

Jandek (it doesn't get stranger than him! I respect him too, though I can't say I am a "fan"...however, I find how secret he is, as well as how prolific he is, and his music fascinating! Also, how from 1978 to 2004 he put out albums but never did a live show, and no one knew if the guy on his covers was even him. And since 2004 he's played all over...but doesn't address the audience from the stage...just played his stuff and goes. Whoo-hoo!

Almost unknown:
Kenny Owens (I've heard some songs, but not sure when they were recorded...but I'm 99% sure it's the 50's or VERY early 60's.)
Thanks for the recommendations! :smile: I'll look them up, and I will certainly keep my eyes peeled. I've never heard of them, but for some reason Kenny Owens sounds rather familiar (perhaps I'm thinking of Kenny *Loggins*...? *lol*). Thanks again!

And that's actually not a bad idea, starting a thread about unknown musicians- I reckon it would be pretty popular! =3 I know I have a few I'd like to mention. I picked up a record a while back and apparently only 1000 were made. It was (re)released -the record, that is- in 1997, but the actual recordings are from around 1967. It's called Alice Through the Looking Glass, based on the book, obviously, and it's performed by two blokes called Peter Howell and John Ferndinado (yeah... I'd never heard of them until I bough the album, and suprisingly enough while I had it in my arms in the shop a guy who was browsing asked if he could have a look, saying he had the first part- Alice in Wonderland! I actually offered it to him, but he didn't seem fussed and insisted that I should keep it). the album is quite Syd-ish, esp. vocal-wise. I'm also a fan of a lot of (usually female-fronted) hard rock bands from the late 80s-90s.

Hey, you were almost spot on there! Yes, Mike Oldfield was the one who recorded Tubular Bells from '74, which... quite literally turned the music world upside down. It's quite proggy, almost new age-y, really. He's bloody talented, I'll give him that. I have quite a few of his albums, but Tubular Bells is my fave. :smile: (Hergest Ridge, Ommodawn and Incantations are the new-agey ones, but they're very good. Platinum's good, too- sort of disco inspired- but not too much!)

Yeah, I LOVE artwork. I have a coffee-table book of my mum's (which she gave to her brother -my uncle- in 1979, but I ended up getting it) which has a wonderful collection of album artwork- I think they've re-released the book, actually. That's one of the many why I like records (and CDs too, even though they *are* smaller. But the come with cool notes sometimes!) as opposed to the invisible enemy, mp3- downloading. Yeah, being a audiophile is really good because you pick up on things but you can also become a sound snob, like myself *lol* (for example: you'll complain and complain about the way headphones/ear-buds sound). And yes, my dad loves prog! He actually didn't know the term progressive/prog rock until I explained to him what it was a couple of years back, heehee. But yes, he loves Pink Floyd (I have his PF records: Dark Side of The Moon, Wish You Were Here and Animals, and I've added to that), Rick Wakeman (he has his three main solo albums: The 6 Wives of Henry the 8th, Journey to the Centre of the Earth and King Arthur), some ELP (he has their "Works" album, but I own the more proggy stuff) and... if it weren't for his Tubular Bells record, I wouldn't've ever heard of Mike Oldfield! My mum also like prog: she loved Floyd, King Crimson and Jethro Tull growing up, and she still does. =)

Cool then, I shall email you the song sometime on thursday (it's tuesday, here). Is it okay if you PM me your email? :smile:

I take you like the clips of ELP then? ;D I hope so, but you don't have to *lol*. Tortured moogs, yes, that pretty much sums Keith Emerson's music up! "Knife Edge" is so bizarre! I do recommend Brain Salad Surgery, but just warnin' ya now, it's very weird. I mean that in a good way. xD Secondly, you're a prog fan, so you prol'ly won't be as scarred by it then say... a modern R&B fan. x33


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2008
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I sent the PM with the email for the song, thanks!:big_grin:

That was the right thing for you to do, offering the Peter Howell and John Ferndinado album to the person who owned their album that went with it! And if they sound Syd-ish, I shall have to look into 'em!

As for the ELP links: On the Karn Evil 9 link, they play until the 2:42 mark, and I think it sounded pretty cool!
Pictures Exhibition 1970 at the Isle Of Wright - it says it's their first performance! And it gets dangerous at the end there!
Knife's Edge - catchy bass riff! and when the keyboard plays along with it, WHOO! Ya gotta dig that groove!

So all in all, I think they seem cool, and since I really like "Interstellar Overdrive" from the first Floyd album, it'd be weird if I said ELP was too progressive and/or experimentral for me :smile:

Sorry this one is a shorter post...Tull is cool!


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2006
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Lol, that's alright! :wink: Yeah, I've been a Tull fan for quite some time, I like a fair bit of "folk prog". :smile:

Yeah, I really like ELP because they incorperate prog (obviously), rock, ballady stuff (very occasionally) and the classical stuff ("Pictures at an Exhibition") into their stuff, and... -like most prog rockers-... they do this in the name of art. They don't become musos to be "cool" (I mean, I love "popular" 70s groups, but it's intresting to see bands that were not following particular trends) or to score groupies, they do it to experiment, and to make some killer tunes at the same time! I'm glad you like "Knife Edge", it's from their debut album, which is a very good album- at that. There's some really sweet songs on that album actually- tunes such as "Take a Pebble" and "Lucky Man" come to mind, I recommend them for a more softer brand of prog. :smile: I have their "Isle of Wright" gig on DVD, I thought it would be hard to find, but amazingly enough I came across it at JB HI-FI, a very popular store for music/electronics/DVDs/and the like. Glad you like 'um! AGES back (last year) I went to my nearby record shop and I told my old drama teacher (a music fan). He wanted to know what I got, so I was like, "ohh... just som Emerson Lake and Palmer" and he goes, "Great. Well... you'll be hanging around the turntable for at least five hours". *lol*.

Yeah, I recommend you keep an eye out for Peter Howell and John Ferndinado... I thought the guy might appreciate it, but he insisted that I should take it, bless. =) I wonder if I can find anything online...

The Shoe Fairy

Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2008
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Oh, my... *now officially worsips Yorick*

I doesn't know where to start. O_O x33 I'll start sharing my oinions with everthing you said, yays. xD I was not familiar with Reg, but I am a member of a Pink Floyd forum and As for the Roger tour... gah, I sure hope it happens! I won't have any money for it, not now anyway, so I warned my folks, ha. xD I love Syd, too. He is amazing. Such a shame about his health and his passing in '06... now he was one musician I would've loved to have met. :frown: Last last year I went to this massive record market, and I saw a bloke holding an original copy of Barrett! The re-released one is 36 bucks around these parts... hrrrmm.

Dave is amazing. And underrated guitarist, and he had an amazing voice (doesn't sound to bad now, either). He's a good bloke though, shame about the 20 year old spats Roger and he had *lol*.

Genesis are win! Though to be honest, I haven't explored they're stuff all that much. I've heard their earlyish Peter Gabriel stuff and I have Foxtrot, but I have yet to have listened to much of thier other stuff. I must hear Gabriel's new album though... I've heard some good things about it. :smile: I love his outfits, too. Peter Gabriel+foxes head+red dress=*drool*. <3

Yeah, a lot of the 13th Floor Elevators stuff was re-released somettime last year (around april?) and I would love to get my hands on it. I LOVE all those wacky psych gems. :3

I ADORE Yes. Lol, I wish they played them on radio here! The only thing they'll play on a classic rock radio station is "Owner of a Lonely Heart", but they wouldn't be caught dead playing any of their proggy stuff. Wouldn't want their reputation shot now, would they? <.< >.> XP I got into Yes because I've listened to Rick Wakeman since I was, like, 7. He's the bomb, great to see him still at it.

Great to meet a prog fan. C'mon MC, don't be afraid- make prog an undirty word around these parts! Take a stand! Get out your warlock cloaks!
Prog and WoW are different things...
Genesis. Peter Gabriel looked really bad when he has long hair and started to go bald. He also looked odd with those really hairy legs and that dress.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2006
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Aww, I like Peter Gabriel. Ish. i'm not a huge fan of his solo stuff, but appearence-wise he looked okay in the red dress (and the fox head-thingy... covering his face...). <3 Oh, and btw, an online friend of mine went to the same PT concert as you- and he shook Steven Wilson's hand. =D


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2008
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Peter Gabriel's got a great unique voice and musical personality. I say"musical personality"for lack of a better phrase - point being, I don't know him as a person (except the causes he's into all sound great to me so far!) but the way he expresses himself is very cool.

Some solo stuff I know and like:

Shock The Monkey
I Don't Remember
Out Out (now on youtube in full, it's from "Gremlins")
Sledgehammer (I know, I know, best known but...can't help it)
Big Time
In Your Eyes
Games Without Frontiers (particularly with the doomy music of the studio track - heck yea)
And I'm sure there's more!