Again, we must blame reality TV the sweatshop produced junk food for all the senses and soul. And not even quality junk food... the stale generic versions of them you find at the dollar store... you know, like those generic Oreos with the chalky filling and cookie parts that taste like you're eating a cigar butt? Again, everyone just watches these ironically, and no one actually seems to enjoy them for being anything BUT Trash. They complain how it took over TV and how these types of shows have hijacked TV... but they still watch the stuff.
Watching things ironically ONLY works for bad Sci-Fi movies. I'm sorry, but it does... and of course, the occasional bad old cartoon like Clutch Cargo. That stuff is FUN to make fun of. And frankly no one tied up law enforcement and emergency rescue services trying to break into scripted union programming. I'm proudly one of the few people who don't care about Heidi and Spencer (or even understand exactly who they are), and thinks that the Jon and Kate crap was all preplanned and staged by TLC. There's more fiction in reality TV than in Star Trek.
Watching things ironically ONLY works for bad Sci-Fi movies. I'm sorry, but it does... and of course, the occasional bad old cartoon like Clutch Cargo. That stuff is FUN to make fun of. And frankly no one tied up law enforcement and emergency rescue services trying to break into scripted union programming. I'm proudly one of the few people who don't care about Heidi and Spencer (or even understand exactly who they are), and thinks that the Jon and Kate crap was all preplanned and staged by TLC. There's more fiction in reality TV than in Star Trek.