Oh no doubt, Mcfarlane figures have such a limited posability that they seem like statues.
Heh... MacFarline toys ARE statues! Or some sort of diarama.
I think I'm warming up to the whole urban vynal thing... got a pretty cool Robin Mask Japanese Shonen Jump 40th anniversary vynal figure a while back. They aren't really my thing, as I like sculpted figures... but some of these are pretty cool. Especially the Bunsen, Rizzo, and Statler and Waldorf... anyone else think that those last 2 look like how they would be represented in South Park?
The thing that does bug me a little about vinylmation, as well as most of the current vinyl figure trend; is that it takes one generic template model and then makes a huge cottage industry out of a single mode with endless repaints posing as different figures.
That's what I'm not really getting into them that much. Again, I like to have something sculpted... sort of like those City Monsters figures (man, I wish those were cheaper... as it stands I only bothered to get 1). But we're getting NEW muppet merchandise... one specifically aimed at a special niche market, by the way, and that's absolutely cool. I may just get a couple of these somehow...