Yeah man. And Palisades aren't statues... Macfarlin, those are statues. And I did say I support the multi-teared smaller-sized Muppaverse figurine idea, heck, I used to collect the SST ones back in the day. The truth is, I sorta got scared off of Vinylmation from a review done of the first set of ten about a year ago on the Disney Pincast. I highly recommend listening to it if you like Disney pin merchandise, and join our growing IPLS group as well. Anyway, the Vinylmation just left a sort of bad feeling for me, given I have no access to it beside that which others describe of them until I decide to get one in my hands. If you guys like Vinylmation figures, that's perfectly okay too. There's enough of a market for that within the parks and stores. Would just love to get a continuation of the Palisades quality for TMS or through to the other realms of the Muppaverse either in full figure or small PVC figurine form.