Unofficial Script Review of the New Muppet Movie


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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I really can't stress this enough - this is essentially a first draft script that was reviewed. Segal may have personally gone through several drafts before turning it in (i'd be surprised if he didn't) but from everything i can gather, this is beasically a review of the script that he handed to Disney. It will change. Almost no movie doesn't have a lot of substantial changes between first draft and screen.

What we have here is an undiluted example of SEGAL'S VISION of the Muppets. He obviously holds the classic 76-80 cast in high regard. Does this mean no post-'80 characters won't be in there (even as silent cameos?) "Computer says nooooo" - The Muppets' official home page prominently features "rooms" for Kermit, Piggy, Fozzie, Gonzo, Animal, and Pepe. TRUST ME ON THIS ONE! By the time it hits the screen, his part may not be as large as it has been in recent projects but it will certainly be more than three lines (And before anyone mentions it, yes Animal is one of the current "main 6" by that defination and he had one line in LTS ... but i'd say Aniaml is that "exception that proves the rule" - Animal is...Animal)

Since it was first announced that Segal would write the next Muppet movie, did ANYONE ever seriously think that there wouldn't at some point be input from the "official" Muppet writers? Segal turned in his script to Disney. That's Step One. Disney will have their comments and suggestions. It will at some point be shown to the major people in charge of The Muppets Studio - ie Lylle Breier, Kirk Thatcher, Jim Lewis et al - "The Muppet Writers" will play a part at some point in adopting "SEGAL's Vision of The Muppets" to "The Muppets written by Segal" (if that makes sense) - making what one man (albeit one very in tune with The Muppets as opposed to some random hack) pictures and making it more synthesized with what The Muppets are overall. This would be expected anytime an "outside" writer is contributing a script.

Also let's not forget a very major element of how any Muppet production is done whoever wrote hits the performers who adlib and add things on set (or make suggestions) and these end up in the mix.

A first draft is still in relative terms, an outline (a very detailed one, but an outline nonetheless). The salad's only begun to be prepared with the lettuce now in the bowl. Other ingredients shall be forthcoming...


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Wow, I don't know how I missed this thread for two whole days, thank goodness for email updates from MC - I just read the entire script review and OMG! This will be amazing. I am speechless. I really hope it all comes to fruition! It will totally take me back to my childhood, that is for sure! Guess we'll see how things go!

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Yeah, I was thinking the other day that they should at least get a regular Muppet writer or two like Jim Lewis to rewrite the script.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I have a feeling that once Pepe hits the set that Siegel and company will allow him more adlib lines. I can't imagine them being able to resist that spicy prawn. :rolleyes:

Pepe is crucial to the Muppets because he is a good avenue that connects new fans to the property.
I'd like to see Pepe as a secondary character in this one... similar to his role in VMX, where he was present throughout the movie, but he didn't take focus off the other characters.

Of course, I'm hoping that the Mayhem has a pretty big role in this one... LTS had them in for a decent amount of time.... not like MCC or MTI or MFS (where only Animal got to be a big focus). I'm sure we'll see them do a little more than those films, since those Studio DC things brought them back as a major focus. And since Scooter's been officially recast, I guess we;ll see a lot of him here too.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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Yeah, I was thinking the other day that they should at least get a regular Muppet writer or two like Jim Lewis to rewrite the script.
That would be great, but i have a feeling that they will give the film to the Letter to Santa guys before Jim. thats just something I see happing, I mean Jim doesn't even know about the ruomers of a Halloween show comming out.

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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I'd like to see Pepe as a secondary character in this one... similar to his role in VMX, where he was present throughout the movie, but he didn't take focus off the other characters.
I thought his role was fairly big there. I was thinking, however, that maybe his role should be like Rizzo's role in that movie. Rizzo had been a minor character for a decade, and then he became one of the main five, and then with that movie his role was smaller, somewhere between his roels in Tne Great Muppet Caper and The Muppets Take Manhattan.


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2003
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I really want to get excited about this movie, I just cant seem to let my heart get into it. I did this with the past few films (mostly Swamp Years, A Very Marry Muppet Christmas, Muppet Wizard of Oz) and everytime was horribly let down. Horribly... :cry: I want more than anything for them to sucseed, but I really just cant get excited. I feel that if this does not work, then the Muppets truely are dead. But Ive also come to accpet that (As I know most of you cant and wont) but all the original wrighters are gone (IE Jerry Juhl) , some of the lead preformers are gone (IE Henson and Oz) and I just dont think anything can measure up to their touch and magic. (and I think that is the greatest complement you can give them) I mean even Brian has nothing to do with it anymore. It just cant be the same.


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2003
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Honestly, I think it all went way down hill after Muppets From Space. Was this one of their best? NO BUT it still had it, just the something that I cant discribe. It was also Jerry Juhl and Frank Oz's last Muppet film, coincidence? but I think most can agree that after Muppets from Space there was a HUGE jump in what the muppets were and what they are now. I think that Chrismas Carol, Treasure Island, and Space were all "Imediately post henson" and were just lacking Jim. (Big element though) and after that, well even the Henson company wasnt involved. I guess thats also when my dreams died. Henson sold to Disney. And please dont get into it here, I know the many many Disney fans on here. But Disney as a whole has been disapointing me big time in the past 10 years. And they dragged my beloved Muppets with them.

Point is it CANT be the same. They can TRY but it wont. Call me a downer, call me negative, I dont care. I just hold on to the real muppets and thank God I was born in a time and place when Henson was alive and well and I got to see his films.


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Mar 20, 2009
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Nervous excitement

I have to admit that I'm a little nervous as well. I want so badly for it to be amazing though.