The more i think about this film 's tone, what really strikes me about it that i think very well make it the greatest Muppet movie ever made is that it that throughout the whole thing, it's a cinematic celebration of the Muppets. I don't really think that can be said about any of the previous films - the first one, of course would come closest to that, but it was more a celebration of the fact that the Muppets made it to the big screen in the first place whereas this would be more a celebration of the Muppets' place in cinematic and pop culture history.
I've done a lot of catching up on Jason Segel this weekend - reading bios, interviews (especially in regards to him and puppetry/Muppets) and he really seems like one of us here on the forums/fansites (wouldn't be surprised if he was a lurker) - just one who has acheived the clout in Hollywood to take our wishes for the Muppets and do something with them.
One thing though about the title - the one drawback is that it kind of dooms any Muppet movies that follow it from being able to claim that title! Though wouldn't it be funny if the next Muppet films that gets made after this one turned out to be The Cheapest Muppet Movie Ever Made? Or even The Next Muppet Movie? (Even if it just had that title if it the film itself wasn't the script that was written with that name). I could just picture the next several Muppet films having titles like "The Latest Muppet Movie", "This Year's Muppet Movie", or "Holy Guacamole! Not Another Muppet Movie?" Though after a while it would be easy to mix up with title went with which film - kind of like how the first episodes of Family Guy all had "Death" in the title even though they had nothing to do with death and the show's staff couldn't keep them straight after a while.