Let's just put it this way..>Shrub screwed things up beyond repair... the rest of the world hates us... we're fighting the same freaking groups we gave weapons and aid to battle in the 1980's (you know... because we we're fightinh the big scary Russians who didn't do ANYTHING to us, and the Cold War was perpetuated by both sides), and we're borrowing money from every country in the world to do it. And to repay that debt, our money has become toilet paper. And the only jobs are in the hotel industry so foriengers can come over and buy crap cheap.
Essentially, the government surplus Clinton left us with has been blown by in a week... and for what? So the big fat corporations get a nice fat tax cut... all the while not lowering their prices and sending OUR JOBS to China and India? I say, they helped out in this mess, and they're the little vultures that have picked us clean.
We got one person planning to cut those cuts, and one planning to keep them. I'm going for the guy who wants to have Exxon pay its share... especially since the cuts were given to them to invest in NEW AMERICAN JOBS and ALTERNATIVE POWER SOURCES.... They all failed to deliver on it. They pocketed the money, said they had "Profits" and the economy was artificially bulked up for 3 years because of it.
Personally, I think the Reps need to abandon this Reagan hero worship, and drop the Neo-Con crap. I hate to admit it, but Ron Paul was right about his party.
And the other side has absolutely no power in fear they won't get re-elected, even though they were elected to turn back what Shrub gave to the richest 1% and his Daddy's friends. They were too afraid the GOP congressionals were gonna beat them up, stuff 'em in the locker, and taking away their lunch money.
So I'm furious at both parties... one for being the big fat greedy pig that had its own way for 8 years... the other for letting them.
Of course, I'd rather see the wimp party trying to clean up the elephant mess with a toothbrush than the other party leave more mess behind.
In short... I don't expect anything to be "Fixed" just not to get much, muich worse...