Sure, she has done well in other movies. I give her alot of credit... She can sell tickets and make headlines. But most of her success recently has been because she sells sex! For example, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Beowolf, and Wanted all feature her as a sex symbol. As an adult male, I like to see her in these roles, but as a father, I don't think her recent roles are suitable for my child!
I agree that we should be very very happy to see that another Muppet movie is finally in the works. Its' about time! it's also important to note that this films' box office success will determine future productions. But is associating an actor with such a "sexy image" a great idea for a Muppet film? Will that attract or repell parents who may want to bring their kids to the new film? I realize that Muppet films are for adults as much as they are for kids, but I don't want to SEX-UP the Muppets just to get butts in the seat and sell tickets.