Liking the Muppets "geeky"?

Sgt Floyd

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2006
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I dont get called a geek, I get called a weirdo or or "whats your obbsession with puppets? They are for babies"

I even brought an episode of the muppets into my drama class and the first thing I heard was "EW, We're watching sesame street!"


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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:coy: I look at it as geek chic.

However, I'll repeat this sentiment again. A grown man knowing wearing the number and knowing all the little tidbits of another grown man sports figure cannot honestly be tossing stones from his glass house! :wink:


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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However, I'll repeat this sentiment again. A grown man knowing wearing the number and knowing all the little tidbits of another grown man sports figure cannot honestly be tossing stones from his glass house! :wink:
Those guys don't bother me half as much as drunken psychos that set cars on fire, and loot the town when their team wins. I couldn't condone that sort of immature and destructive behavior if their team lost.


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2004
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:coy: I look at it as geek chic.

However, I'll repeat this sentiment again. A grown man knowing wearing the number and knowing all the little tidbits of another grown man sports figure cannot honestly be tossing stones from his glass house! :wink:
Haahaa, when you put it that way, we sound like the normal ones. :embarrassed:


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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However, the majority of people I know tend to say things like "Hey, the Muppets; they're sweet, I used to watch them all the time!"
Agreed, that's the most common reaction I get. Contrary to popular belief, nostalgia sells, hehe.

I've only had a couple of people think the Muppets were just for kids, but once I explained about the more adults fans, they pretty much understood. There are so many groups on the web who are "geeky" about something, that's it's almost becoming normal, lol.


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Agreed, that's the most common reaction I get. Contrary to popular belief, nostalgia sells, hehe.

I've only had a couple of people think the Muppets were just for kids, but once I explained about the more adults fans, they pretty much understood. There are so many groups on the web who are "geeky" about something, that's it's almost becoming normal, lol.
:insatiable: People get the Muppetverse mixed up too with Sesame and Muppet Show all mixed together. Recently a reporter kind of assumed Fozzie was on Sesame Street. I can understand some thinking SS is for kids (it is designed as an educational tool) but there's much for all ages to enjoy. The Muppet Show has always been all ages fare from conception.

:hungry: Many people who don't like the Muppets and see them kid's fare also hold the same opinion of animation. Many of these people also exhibit their own forms of immaturity in trying too hard to appear the opposite.

:halo: And there are some folk who just don't like the innocence of the Muppet gang and mistake it for naivety. The Muppets simply choose to believe in things others might feel insecure about. They also can have a delightfully wicked sense of humor!

There’s a difference between childish and childlike. Jim Henson represented that best and his creations reflect it very much.


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2004
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Heh, well I'm sure the Muppets are considered geeky to a degree - but then, most of my hobbies/loves are considered geeky, so I guess I always assume something is geeky because I'm into it :smile:

I have a friend who came to visit and asked if she could watch my Fraggle Rock and all the Muppet movies I had DVDs ;D And with their 3-D show at Disney World, along with the Muppet Show DVDs selling in the top #10 at Amazon whenever they're released, it certainly can't be an abnormal interest!


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2002
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Heh, well I'm sure the Muppets are considered geeky to a degree - but then, most of my hobbies/loves are considered geeky, so I guess I always assume something is geeky because I'm into it :smile:!

Here Here. Yes sure it may be a little geeky to be as throughly into it as some of us are. But what's wrong with that, if it's not causing any harm, and in fact on the contrary, it's reminding people of just what high quality entertainment TMS was. The fact that it really does endure and still have such a fanbase to this day perhaps shows how brilliant the Muppets were in their heyday. We want to remember that and celebrate it. And try and keep the magic alive.

By being quite geeky about trying to tease out all the interesting information, such as exactly who performed character in a give sketch, we are in a sense making sure that interesting nuggests of information about what went into those television programmes does not become 'lost'. It's helping to preserve and keep alive the history of a group of much loved television legends. For example the endless debates about "Puppeteer Xand so can't have performed that because it doesn't look like their puppeteering style, it looks like Puppeteer Y's style" actually has its part to play in reminding us just what artistes the Muppeteers are each with their own stylistic touches.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I think everything is Geeky...if you take it to that level.

Star Wars. You can be a fan, or a geek with it.

Same with Trek. You can be a Treker or a Trekie (the fact I know the difference doesn't bode well for me...)

Same with Disney's geeky to know every last reference and detail within them, but fine to be a fan.

In fact, it's fine to be a geek too...