So you want obese people running around rampant? Not that there's anything wrong with one's size, but sometimes, it can be a little much to know that obesity is a preventable problem and yet, some people just want people's wants to override their need to exist fully.
The ads are not (and were not) what make little ones fat. We had fatty food commercials and PSAs in equal parts when we were little, cartoon characters and all and our generation was no where near this ones in terms of fattness. It is the fact that children are not playing as much as they once were and are on the computer and cell phone 24/7 that is the problem, coupled together with both parents working so hard that they just buy whatever is quick to feed their children

. Remember, although ads might be aimed at children, their parents have to be for the most part the ones that give in and buy it for them. No one is forcing anyone. Back when I was little my ma never gave into buying things on tv no matter how much I begged or how many cartoon characters were selling sugar. It can be done if more parents just
Anyway, all I can say over all is that if cutting down on the ads is the be all and end all and more ads mean more fat children, how is it the obesity rate is so much higher now than it use to be ?
I never blame the ads when it is the grown ups that should be walking PSAs

Indeed. Because the ad advertises towards the young & the young are easily pressured, the young could be pressured by the ad to eat said company's food.
But you see the parents have to take them or let them go, it's not just a powerless thing.
As far as fast food goes I go a couple times a week and I am not fat. It is really about those families that are so lazy they eat every meal out rather than home cook anything. A homemade version of the same meal is most of the time much better for you anyway :3. Plus you can made hamburgers you can actually see on the bun