Was Disney Desperate?


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2003
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Hi guys,

A thought just occurred to me the other day, after recording the show. The more I think about it, the more it sounds plausible. It concerns the new Muppet movie deal.

First, think back to last fall. Remember back before the writers' strike, when there was rumored to be a "cool new project" that the Muppets were working on? I don't know too much about it, but I can definitively tell you that it was a "new feature". Well, of course the writers' strike went forth, and many TV and film projects that were in the works were canned. Sadly, that "cool new project" became a casualty of the strike.

Now fast forward to last month. Suddenly, out of the clear blue, we read an announcement that a new Muppet movie deal has been struck between Disney and Segel/Stoller. Muppet fans certainly in their own right (according to numerous news stories), but people who have had virtually no prior Muppet connection. None. It would never have struck me that either of these two people would ever want to do anything with the Muppets. Yet, when presented with their idea for a Muppet movie, Disney gives them a deal on the spot. And what little has been reported on the script details and plot sounds a lot like prior script ideas for Muppet films that did not get made. Why?

Was Disney desperate to put something, anything up on the silver screen now that they've sunk money into revamping the Muppet website, and shooting all these interstitial pieces for the Disney channel (on top of who know what else they've done to try to re-build this property in recent months)? Did they have a winner back before the strike, but since it was canned they now find themselves scrambling just to get any new Muppet film in front of audiences? Did they need a new script this badly?

Again, this is all conjecture. But am I up in the crazy tree on this one? If so, somebody talk me down, but I don't think I am.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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I don't think we have enough information, at this point anything is a possibility. However, based on the interview Segal did, it sounded to me more like Disney was surprised and even amused he was calling about the Muppets. Like it wasn't something they were desperately trying for at that moment.


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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I always thought the much talked about "new project" was basically some sort of new television movie special that was meant as a long-form pilot for a weekly show. I never really thought it was to be a theatrical release (not that there weren't several ideas in the very early stages of development).

This recent Segel quick pitch and approval does appear to have replaced work(s) delayed by the writer's strike, but who knows what those really were? I also think this was a good thing - the other projects could have been falling in the same modern trap that Segel is vocally adamant in avoiding. :halo:

Nonetheless, I wouldn't say that Disney is desperate, just interested. The Muppets originally got the shaft when Eisner did because nobody wanted to support any of his pet projects. They kind of became his orphans locked away in the old desolate Muppets.com theme park that nobody visited. That happens in entertainment. :smirk:

Now it appears that the new executives want to make the Muppets happen and Segel's passion out matched anyone else's. The publicity machine was already firmly behind Kermit and the gang so they figured - why not? That's the bottom line in my view. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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the other projects could have been falling in the same modern trap that Segel is vocally adamant in avoiding. :halo:
I agree, that had occured to me as well. Of course, we can't assume. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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This is kind of the point i was getting at in the other thread. How do you think it makes the other writers feel that all there work is going well un noticed. It would seem to me like a real slap in the face to a lot of the people that have worked with the Muppets for years, to have these new people come in and take over so to speak.
I know that these two are Muppet fans, but how will the devolope there personaltes in this movie?


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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I get the feeling that's a frequent occurence in the business. There's a lot of politics and switching loyalties and going with different people all the time. Sometimes it's for worse and sometimes it's for better.

The history of the Star Trek movies are a perfect example of this sort of thing (at least going by William Shatner's book hehe).


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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I also have a feeling that whatever Bill Barretta and Brian Henson were cooking up that some of the humor (if not some story elements) will make its way into this project. It makes sense that he'd [Segel] go straight to the performers first rather than rely on Simpsons staff backup. :coy:


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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I also have a feeling that whatever Bill Barretta and Brian Henson were cooking up that some of the humor (if not some story elements) will make its way into this project. It makes sense that he'd [Segel] go straight to the performers first rather than rely on Simpsons staff backup. :coy:
I'm going to try and not sound like a know it all here. Jim Lewis or Kert T. Thatcher never wrote for the Simpson's. They have been working for JHC and the Muppets for over 15 years or more now. At least one of them is still writeing if not both of them are. So how would it make them feel?


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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I'm going to try and not sound like a know it all here. Jim Lewis or Kert T. Thatcher never wrote for the Simpson's. They have been working for JHC and the Muppets for over 15 years or more now. At least one of them is still writeing if not both of them are. So how would it make them feel?
Hmmm...I was talking about the writers involved in the Christmas special etc.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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Hmmm...I was talking about the writers involved in the Christmas special etc.
the one who came up with the story for that Movie was Jim Lewis. If i sound like im a know it all, I'm not i just want to set the facts right.