I think what people are upset about here is the language. The term "sin" is coming off as bossy and negative. Understandable. But I honestly think the Church is doing this not to be a pain, but because they haven't taken clear stances on some of these issues before, which they should have. That's all.
And again, I do think if they're going to take these stances, they need to do more than just say it's wrong. They need to educate people and participate in making things better. Not that they haven't, I went to Catholic school and learned about pollution and drugs etc.
You all bring up some interesting points, and I have some thoughts on this. First i think we are talking about Sin and church, and when have a question about those two things there is only one place i turn. We have a guide for life, and it tells us what sin is, and that guide is the Bible. All we have to do is look and see what God has to say about these things in his Holy Word,
In the book of Genesis God gives Adam domemoan over all the animals and name them, and after Adam and Eve both sinned God made Adam work the ground or till. to take cares of the earth so to speak.
There is also the fact of sin, and i would like to talk about that most of all. In the book of Romans there are a lot of verses on sin.
Romans 3 23 says For all have sinned and come short of the Glory of GOD. Now I don't see any place where is says comes short of the Church, but i don't know.
Romans 5 12 tells us where sin came from: Where as by one MAN sin entered into the world and death by sin:and so death passed upon all men, for all have sinned.
Romans 6 23 says for the wages (Payments) of sin is death (but heres the good part) but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our lord.
So what does all this mean? Well i tell you, and I hope im not coming across like a know it all.
In the beggingns of time there was no sin. God made man to know no sin, but Satan came and temped man to sin,and man fell for it. This sadly made all men sinners because we all came from Adam.
All that is bad, and I know your thinking well if thats the case then there is no hope for any of us. Well there is, and that is Jesus. Jesus came down from heaven and gave his life for all our sins. He paid our way to heaven, and he did it for free. He loves us so much that he wants us to be with him and the father in heaven. All you have to do is ask God to forgive you of your sins and ask Jesus to come into your heart, and become a child of God. Amen.