I don't see much difference between your's and the other.
Wow Mgov, you must not be on the ball with this one. Clearly, one is
Mechanical Eyes and the other is
Eyelid Mechanism...
Actuallly you need to read further down to see what practicecactus was talking about.
I still don't like those references that always get handed out to anyone who asks about blink mechs. I don't see them as very practical.
I'll have to gently disagree with you on that point, practicecactus. I think researching all ways are useful. Just because something is well known or commonly referred to, shouldn't make it bad. We're all on a muppet forum for crying out loud.
Also, just because something doesn't work for you, doesn't make it not practical. Building foam skeletons hasn't worked for me so much, but for some it does (for MOST it does). Arm rods are another example.
I always tell my students that what they're learning is the way
I do it. Its not the right way, its just one way. If they figure out something else, then hooray! (They are 3rd-12th graders)
To speak to eye mechs...It's something I'm afraid to try without someone in the room holding my hand. I think I'd get great satisfaction to master someone else's eye mechanism
Wow, I've been getting preachy lately. Sorry guys.