My only problem is that certain solutions that work for some people have become the instant go-to for everybody. People tend to ask more questions before purchasing a household appliance than a prescription. Our bodies are much more important.
Going back to the perscription thing for a minute, I don't beleive for one second 100% of the people who see the cute little cartoon caracter of some sort of virus or something will ask their doctors about more information vis a vis those perscriptions. I'd be surprised if 50% of them actually consulted someone. There are people that actually do have these problems, sure. But then again, there are the hypocondriacs that see depression medication, and pop 'em like M&M's. I find it hypocritical that we have to limit fast food/junk food commercials, but the media is pretty much at the feet of Pfizer and Viagra. Both aren't good things.
The sleeping pills are the worst. It's all about US work habits. Go in early, leave late, work through your 2 minute lunch break (the fast food enters in here as well-for breakfast or lunch), and worst of all, go in when you're sick. Is it because they make so little, or is it because they're worried about getting fired if they slack off and relax for five minutes? Whatever the reason, all that stress and coffee isn't going to help you sleep at night. But getting some sleep is probably worth sleep driving to Atlantic City, in a dress, and totalling it in front of an Arby's.
But back to the health problem, let's not forget the adicts. There are people who have serious problems, and become addicted to something. Smoking, eating, sex, shopping, etc. etc. Addiction is no laughing matter, no matter what it is. I've been struggling with an eating addiction for years. No lie. And addiction is hard to curb. Most of the time, you'll move on to something else. Ex-Smokers wind up gaining weight half the time, since they've picked up eating. I've heard of people who dropped eating habits, got thin, and were addicted to something even worse. So bad, they wish they were fat again. People like that really need help, not to be singled out and punished somehow.
I think this country has an Addiction problem on the whole. A lot of drinkers, a lot of eaters, a lot of Gamblers... and the Shopaholics too. Something is wrong, and I wish somehow people would take a pause and figure out what's wrong here.