Mods, feel free to move this...I really had no clue which forum this worked best in...
Hmmm, unless I'm missing it, there doesn't seem to be a way to poll (I could be, with my visiojn) but that's okay, it's an interesting thing to discuss. this is basically a poll for those who consider them as real characters when you watch. And the way most of you are about some like Elmo, it's clear you do.
When you think of lives behind the cameras, what they do off stage, how do you view Sesame Street? In other words, The Muppet Show was clearly a frog in charge of a production company, having to satisfy some stars (like Miss PIggy), etc.; in other words, the characters we saw were alive in theTMS Universe, there were things we didn't see (calling guests to get them on the show, etc.) but things we did. Time passed between shows - they didn't just appear out of thin air, go into cryogenic sleep, then wake up for the next one.
1. If SS was like TMS, we wouldn't see the behind the scenes stuff on SS like on TMS but it would have to happen, as there would then be someone organizing the show, etc.; but BB, Elmo, and all the others just live lives away from the cameras otherwise.
Best arguments - announcing letter, number of the day, and welcoming people, plus a triangle-lovers' club is one thing, but letters appearing out of the blue?
This is probably the most likely, but there are other options.
2. It may be a real street where the laws of physics state that letters can appear in the air, there's a triangle-lovers club, etc., and where humans and muppets interact. The humans age but the muppets don't, or very little. In other words, they aren't putting on a show - this is a real street where the characters live and are doing other things, but very little happens between episodes. When we see an episode, it's not acting - these things, in the SS universe, are happening to the people.
Best arguments - the hurricane, and Mr. Hooper's death. Especially Mr. Hooper's death - if in the SS universe Big Bird is only a big bird who can act on a show, and wasn't touched by the death of such a close friend, then he is one of the best bird actors out there. Okay, he's the only bird actor out there, but you know what I mean.
He could put on a human outfit and play Hamlet if he keeps improving.
That makes me think it might be real characters living on a real street with altered laws of physics.
(And, maybe it gives some of you fan fiction ideas - either one of the above.)
3. Is it like a sitcom - not quite like a sitcom, where we only see 30 minutes of the characters' lives out of 168 hours a week. But, maybe like the old days, where we only saw 5 of 168 hours a week as far as what they do, where they go, etc., and we saw a lot of their lives back then, though not much now? For a good example of how a "realistic world in which a sitcom family lives" would be, check out This is the tact that a few fanfiction writers seem to take. (The origins ones,the amnesia one, and probably others.)
Or, do you have some other idea?
Hmmm, unless I'm missing it, there doesn't seem to be a way to poll (I could be, with my visiojn) but that's okay, it's an interesting thing to discuss. this is basically a poll for those who consider them as real characters when you watch. And the way most of you are about some like Elmo, it's clear you do.

When you think of lives behind the cameras, what they do off stage, how do you view Sesame Street? In other words, The Muppet Show was clearly a frog in charge of a production company, having to satisfy some stars (like Miss PIggy), etc.; in other words, the characters we saw were alive in theTMS Universe, there were things we didn't see (calling guests to get them on the show, etc.) but things we did. Time passed between shows - they didn't just appear out of thin air, go into cryogenic sleep, then wake up for the next one.
1. If SS was like TMS, we wouldn't see the behind the scenes stuff on SS like on TMS but it would have to happen, as there would then be someone organizing the show, etc.; but BB, Elmo, and all the others just live lives away from the cameras otherwise.
Best arguments - announcing letter, number of the day, and welcoming people, plus a triangle-lovers' club is one thing, but letters appearing out of the blue?
This is probably the most likely, but there are other options.
2. It may be a real street where the laws of physics state that letters can appear in the air, there's a triangle-lovers club, etc., and where humans and muppets interact. The humans age but the muppets don't, or very little. In other words, they aren't putting on a show - this is a real street where the characters live and are doing other things, but very little happens between episodes. When we see an episode, it's not acting - these things, in the SS universe, are happening to the people.
Best arguments - the hurricane, and Mr. Hooper's death. Especially Mr. Hooper's death - if in the SS universe Big Bird is only a big bird who can act on a show, and wasn't touched by the death of such a close friend, then he is one of the best bird actors out there. Okay, he's the only bird actor out there, but you know what I mean.

(And, maybe it gives some of you fan fiction ideas - either one of the above.)
3. Is it like a sitcom - not quite like a sitcom, where we only see 30 minutes of the characters' lives out of 168 hours a week. But, maybe like the old days, where we only saw 5 of 168 hours a week as far as what they do, where they go, etc., and we saw a lot of their lives back then, though not much now? For a good example of how a "realistic world in which a sitcom family lives" would be, check out This is the tact that a few fanfiction writers seem to take. (The origins ones,the amnesia one, and probably others.)
Or, do you have some other idea?