Randall... Wouldn't a better song for your costume character be "Mac the Knife"?
Tony, I'm disappointed in you... A slug? Go as yourself? Oh, you'll have to come up with something new now that you've been penalized against using the S.O.L.'s ideas by the MST3K fan police.
Such simple ideas they were too... Put a circular radiator rim over your eyes, and voila, you're Lt. Jordi LaForge from Star Trek: The Next Generation. Stick some gum wrappers in your shirt collar (or hair if you're adventurous) smear your shirt with some chocolate stains, and add some silly string cobwebbing, and you're the bottom of a moviehouse floor. Cut a side out of a rectangular milk carton and fit it over your head, and you're a missing child.
Tom: Hello, have you seen me?