If you support Disney owning the Muppets...


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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It is not a puritanical view of the Muppets. It's just that there's a difference between mature adult humor and immature sick humor.
Exactly, heralde. And I think that's the other major issue hurting the Muppets today: the writing for much of their recent projects is also garbage. Why was Muppet Xmas Carol and Treasure Island so successful? Because Jerry Juhl was still with us and behind the writing. I'm sure there are other people out there who are just as talented and could write well for the characters but where they're hiding I'd like to know because we need them.

To me that's one of the biggest reasons the Muppets were so successful back in "the day": they had very cleverly written scripts for their film and T.V. projects. I think that' why Sesame Street still does as well as it does: they still have some of the best writers in television working for them. They can still update themselves but still stick with what made the show successful in the first place.


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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Let's lower the cussing, k?


Oops...I confused this for one of the posts here.
Oh gosh.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Let's lower the cussing, k?


Oops...I confused this for one of the posts here.
Oh gosh.
Actually I didn't. I put h-e-double hockey stick in and the d- like that you build to stop water from flooding places and/or a beaver's home and those got censored!:confused:


Sep 8, 2007
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I think Disney could work a little harder on making another theatrical Muppet movie, besides that disney has my full support.


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Actually, to me the lowest point the Muppets ever sank was in Muppets From Space when Kermit lets out,” Way to get down with your bad selves!" I almost shouted at the screen,” That’s not Kermit!" It was just so cheesy and smacked of trying to hard to be hip - and that was before Disney. That line in MFS offended me more than Rizzo's unfortunate and tasteless "Girls Gone Wild" line in Oz. :rolleyes:

The Muppets have been rather aimless for a while. Hits and misses. I admit that Muppets From Space is my least favorite (Swamp Years aside, of course) of any Muppet project, movie show or appearance. I actually cried a little upon leaving the theater opening day. I really felt that could easily have been the last nail in the Muppet entertainment coffin. It does play better on DVD, I must admit. :embarrassed:

Anyway, mini-rant over. I do get offended at Disney promoting other projects on Muppet releases but not vice-versa. That's an area they could think about improving. :wink:


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Actually, to me the lowest point the Muppets ever sank was in Muppets From Space when Kermit lets out,” Way to get down with your bad selves!" I almost shouted at the screen,” That’s not Kermit!" It was just so cheesy and smacked of trying to hard to be hip - and that was before Disney. That line in MFS offended me more than Rizzo's unfortunate and tasteless "Girls Gone Wild" line in Oz. :rolleyes:

The Muppets have been rather aimless for a while. Hits and misses. I admit that Muppets From Space is my least favorite (Swamp Years aside, of course) of any Muppet project, movie show or appearance. I actually cried a little upon leaving the theater opening day. I really felt that could easily have been the last nail in the Muppet entertainment coffin. It does play better on DVD, I must admit. :embarrassed:

Anyway, mini-rant over. I do get offended at Disney promoting other projects on Muppet releases but not vice-versa. That's an area they could think about improving. :wink:
I really dislike Muppets From Space. Hate would be a strong word to use, but it borders on that. I saw it when it first opened in the movies as well and left feeling very disappointed. I have it on VHS and haven't even bothered to upgrade it to DVD yet simply because I don't watch it that often like the other films. There was a LOT of cheesiness and as much as I enjoy Bill Barretta, to me the film quickly became the Pepe Show. However, I've been catching bits of it on cable recently and I'm finding myself laughing at parts. Perhaps I should go back and watch it since you said it plays better on home video.

Swamp Years was a fine showcase for Steve Whitmire as a performer, and I liked the vast inclusion of Muppet in jokes like "Salmon Friends" in the pet store, etc. but again didn't like it enough to run out and buy it for my collection.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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I can't watch MFS for more than 2 minutes, I get this depressed and mean spirited feeling from the story every time. It reminded me of the typical last season of a great TV show. By the last season you know the show has seen better days.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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I can't watch MFS for more than 2 minutes, I get this depressed and mean spirited feeling from the story every time. It reminded me of the typical last season of a great TV show. By the last season you know the show has seen better days.
Agreed. There is definitely something frustrating about watching it.


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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I always felt that (like the Muppets Take Manhattan wedding) Gonzo's origins were just to be considered a movie experience. Dave Goelz confirmed his support for Gonzo's Muppets From Space origins when he spoke at the San Francisco Muppets 101 lecture over the summer. It kind of bummed me out. I always liked Gonzo because of his ambiguity. :concern:

One thing that MFS is good for is that it does have a young following that connected to the Muppets through that film. :wink: