What Disney Needs to do....


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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We've had a lot of "Disney Blame game" stuff lately, and whether you believe they are helping (which they aren't) or they aren't, we can agree that us fans are getting the shaft. So here's my highly improbable list of things they SHOULD do with the Muppets...

  • They should find a sutable TV vehicle for them and put it on one of the many networks they own. No "mini-movies!" An actual half hour show in which they actually star with a guest star playing second. like the old shows.
  • Relaunch Muppet Babies. no more Baby Pooh. no More Baby Princesses. You own the ORIGINAL. Even if they do not release it on DVD, at least put them on various Baby porducts to bring back their popularity.
  • Make a 3-4 disk CD box of music featured on The Muppet Show. Even if it's just a rerelease of the old LP's with a few bonus tracks. They shut down a certain site, fine. But give us a purchaseable alternative.
  • Make a deal with some companies to make better merchandise. The T-shirts are good, the replicas are awesome. But we need something that really gets the fan base excited. You know, like What Palisades did with the AF line.
  • Make a movie that doesn't star some flavor of the month pop star. make sure it gets plenty of rewrites so it doesn't seem rushed through.
  • Release the final 3 seasons, then release MT. Then find a way to release what's left.
  • And above all.... they need to realise they don't need to just cater to a 12 year old girl demographic. That way they'll see there is a prominant Muppet fan base that cares about their passion.
While they clearly won't do this (unless someone's willing to start up a letter writing campaign), this seems to be what isn't happening, but should be.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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While they clearly won't do this (unless someone's willing to start up a letter writing campaign), this seems to be what isn't happening, but should be.
Those are all good ideas. Letter writing campaigns can definitely be effective. However, I honestly don't think Disney would never do these things. I used to think that way, that certain things could never happen. But I've changed my way of thinking lately, since I never thought half we things we've gotten would ever be available.

Disney could be trying harder. I don't mind being a little critical. I'm just not going to assume things could never get better.


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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Good list, Dr. Tooth.

This is positive critque.
Hopefully if anyone within the Disney company sees it--they'd take the advice on this potential checklist.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I believe things coulda shoulda woulda get better. That's the problem. They aren't TRYING too hard. They just don't seem to want to focus on anything that doesn't feature Micky or Pooh or isn't for a 12 year old girl demographic so far. I think they should stop testing the waters and saying "it looks too cold" and just plunge in.

If they can just get one big project off the ground and get it to be mildly successful at least, they'd be able to sucessfully relaunch the characters.

If they can at least write up plans for something big, and not drop it half way through because they can make a bigger profit with something that only appeals to a small group, then I'll at least give them credit.

I'm glad they released the DVD's, and I'm glad the reson it took us 2 years to get TMS S2 was due to them wrestling with song copywrite issues because we were disappointed that TMS S1 was cut. You see, if they took whoever was doing that to the DVD's and make THEM the head of Muppet Offshore Caman Island Holdings (Simpsons Reference) then things wouldn't be too bad.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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I'm annoyed about the 12 year old demographic as well, lol. Unfortunately that's always been the case. That sort of demographic is more profitable because kids are very eager for merchandise and they have parents very willing to make lots and lots of purchases, lol.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Honestly, if there's one demographic I don't mind, it's the 10 year old boy market. A lot of great stuff, like Transformers and the Ninja Turtles cartoon series (the comic came first, and was for older comic fans) came out of them...

But here's what puzzles me.... they want the 12 year old girl market, but they don't really aknowledge This show of theirs, which actually had a positive female role model. (I could get into the hypocracy of putting positive female leads in boy cartoons, then making cartoons for girls that star vacuous airheads, like Bratz, but I don't want to).

That said, most of us fans (I say that cuz I'm always flat broke) have disposable income when it comes to the things we like. When a parent can always say "no," us older fans say, "I can do without eating today!"


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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But here's what puzzles me.... they want the 12 year old girl market, but they don't really aknowledge This show of theirs, which actually had a positive female role model. (I could get into the hypocracy of putting positive female leads in boy cartoons, then making cartoons for girls that star vacuous airheads, like Bratz, but I don't want to).
Oh don't get me started! Lol Television in general still has no idea how to protray positive female role models. And sadly a big portion of the young female audience (and their parents) don't care.


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2004
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Ugh, tell me about it. When we have kids, the majority of their TV time (which won't be much, we'll mostly be doing stuff OUTSIDE, ack! Run screaming children of today!) will be watching the cool shows & movies I grew up with; quality hand-drawn animation, usually with a lesson and/or a positive message.

I very much like your list el Doctor. My little brother (who is almost 22) is always asking me, "heard anything about Muppet Babies yet?", mostly meaning DVD season sets, but also merchandise - as I had shown him the MB sculpts from Palisades before they very sadly went out of business.

Also extremely tired of seeing these little 10 to 12 year old girls wearing belly shirts and high heels like the Bratz *****es. My older brother lets his step-daughters wear that junk and I want to punch him out.

And yeah, a new show would be the best thing ever!


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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Ugh, tell me about it. When we have kids, the majority of their TV time (which won't be much, we'll mostly be doing stuff OUTSIDE, ack! Run screaming children of today!) will be watching the cool shows & movies I grew up with; quality hand-drawn animation, usually with a lesson and/or a positive message.
That's how I feel too. When I have children, I will definitely make the effort to introduce them to quality. I won't assume whatever is on the TV at the moment must be OK.

I'll let them discover things on their own too of course. There are plenty of shows I love that my parents didn't enjoy lol. But my parents also inspired me to appreciate the wonderful shows and music they'd grown up with. I learned that old does not have to equal bad.

Though yeah, they should spend most of their time outdoors being active, hehe. But I've always enjoyed having a soundtrack I loved in my head while playing outside. It's good to have a balance. :smile: