
Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2010
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Yeah we threw a party at my house tonight and it was all the peoples that my parents work with and I worked as a gofer there 2 summers ago and then got premoted to painting this summer [I did chracter scetching in all the bathrooms and painted them]. It was fun and so all of them asked about my hand. :wink: I forgot to say I have a really crappy picture on DA but it's still kind a cute [the concept anyway] of Richard and Scooter hugging but it was drawn the day I had surgery so it was the first pic I drew left handed/ with a cast on my right hand so it looks bad but I'm re-uploading a better one once Christmas break comes along.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2009
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what happen? you broke it? i'm left handed, but that's the reason i practice writing with my right, you never know when your dominant hand might become useless :wink: i'd like to see the picture myself, what's your DA username? [mines nekoshema, just like every site i'm on :stick_out_tongue:] you a member of any Henson fanclubs?


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2010
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what happen? you broke it? i'm left handed, but that's the reason i practice writing with my right, you never know when your dominant hand might become useless :wink: i'd like to see the picture myself, what's your DA username? [mines nekoshema, just like every site i'm on :stick_out_tongue:] you a member of any Henson fanclubs?
Mine's ErikaRBarker, 's my penname. Yeah, JimHensonConnections and Jim Henson FanClub
I slashed two tendons in my pinky. :frown:


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2010
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Oooo I hope your hand is OK!
Slowly but surely I'm getting better. Richard's Scooter was a grand solace after are really terrible codine reaction the day after surgery I was so sick. I litterally was unable to fall asleep with out listening to Richard's version of 'Hey Mr. Bassman.'


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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Slowly but surely I'm getting better. Richard's Scooter was a grand solace after are really terrible codine reaction the day after surgery I was so sick. I litterally was unable to fall asleep with out listening to Richard's version of 'Hey Mr. Bassman.'
Aw that's so great. Yeah I have a lot of songs or films that I always connect with a time when I really needed some comfort. It's funny how it sticks with you and then you always feel safe when revisiting them again. :smile:

For me it was the Star Wars episode of Muppet Show (including "Six Street Orchestra" and "Ram a Lam" lol) that helped me get through a very difficult time. :flirt:


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2010
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Aw that's so great. Yeah I have a lot of songs or films that I always connect with a time when I really needed some comfort. It's funny how it sticks with you and then you always feel safe when revisiting them again. :smile:

For me it was the Star Wars episode of Muppet Show (including "Six Street Orchestra" and "Ram a Lam" lol) that helped me get through a very difficult time. :flirt:
Richard's Junior Gorg and Jerry Nelson's Gobo Fraggle saved my life when I was a second grader. I had strep and the meds weren't working because I was depressed and due to that my immune system sucked. There were hundreds of times when I started crying in school and I would start humming the Fraggle Rock song and I would smile a little. Then the kids who picked on me found a book of my poems read them out loud to the class and started laughing. I was so embarassed a slammed the door to my room started sobbing went downstairs threw Fraggle Rock in the TV and started to just cry. I broke down asking WHY? Why didn't anyone like me or understand me. What was so wrong with me. Then I just listened. I listened to every word that came out of the mouths of the preformers. [It was The Minstrals' episode I think]. Then I started to feel better and less depressed. However the abuse continued and it was harder and harder to go on day to day. I broke down in May saying I couldn't live another day with what they were doing to me. My parents removed me that summer and I was still missunderstood and have been my whole life. But I always have Richard, Jim and the rest of the Muppets to go to when I need some solace.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2009
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Mine's ErikaRBarker, 's my penname. Yeah, JimHensonConnections and Jim Henson FanClub
I slashed two tendons in my pinky.
ouch, that sucks. lol, that's so cool, i'm a member of JimHensonConnection as well, did you sign up for the secret santa? i did :flirt:

Richard's Junior Gorg and Jerry Nelson's Gobo Fraggle saved my life when I was a second grader. I had strep and the meds weren't working because I was depressed and due to that my immune system sucked. There were hundreds of times when I started crying in school and I would start humming the Fraggle Rock song and I would smile a little. Then the kids who picked on me found a book of my poems read them out loud to the class and started laughing. I was so embarassed a slammed the door to my room started sobbing went downstairs threw Fraggle Rock in the TV and started to just cry. I broke down asking WHY? Why didn't anyone like me or understand me. What was so wrong with me. Then I just listened. I listened to every word that came out of the mouths of the preformers. [It was The Minstrals' episode I think]. Then I started to feel better and less depressed. However the abuse continued and it was harder and harder to go on day to day. I broke down in May saying I couldn't live another day with what they were doing to me. My parents removed me that summer and I was still missunderstood and have been my whole life. But I always have Richard, Jim and the rest of the Muppets to go to when I need some solace.
:cry: so sorry to hear all that, i hate hearing when people have such rough lives, while mine wasn't perfect, i was bullied, and had a rough couple years due to a really bad divorce that i was placed in the middle of at age 10, i was never depressed, the hardest time for me i would say was this past year with my ex friend, the things he would say finally got a bit too much for me and i started doing everything i could to make him happy.

i don't see why people enjoy doing things like that, it also seems a little more acceptable for people to be mean, or you hear about it a lot more often, i don't understand why people enjoy being that way. ever since i was a kid, i've been a giver, my gandmother loves telling people this story where i was 3 and i was holding this door open for a guy in a wheelchair and how shocked she was by it because she use to look down on people who were different. i just try and picture myself doing that, because i was a tiny kid, i was the smallest in my class until i was about 14 lol [and it's not a big difference, i'm just average height, but still]

sometimes i wonder if how i turned out was what i use to watch and not realizing it influenced me, i always watched Fraggle Rock and that was designed to create world peace. i find myself a bright person but it wasn't until i heard that i stood back and said 'you know, now that you mention it, Fraggles need the Gorges to grow radishes that the Doozers make their sticks from that in turn feed the Fraggles...' lol, i still can't believe i never noticed the positive messages, i guess it's cuz i'm use to messages being beaten over my head until i'm sick of it.


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2010
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ouch, that sucks. lol, that's so cool, i'm a member of JimHensonConnection as well, did you sign up for the secret santa? i did :flirt:

:cry: so sorry to hear all that, i hate hearing when people have such rough lives, while mine wasn't perfect, i was bullied, and had a rough couple years due to a really bad divorce that i was placed in the middle of at age 10, i was never depressed, the hardest time for me i would say was this past year with my ex friend, the things he would say finally got a bit too much for me and i started doing everything i could to make him happy.

i don't see why people enjoy doing things like that, it also seems a little more acceptable for people to be mean, or you hear about it a lot more often, i don't understand why people enjoy being that way. ever since i was a kid, i've been a giver, my gandmother loves telling people this story where i was 3 and i was holding this door open for a guy in a wheelchair and how shocked she was by it because she use to look down on people who were different. i just try and picture myself doing that, because i was a tiny kid, i was the smallest in my class until i was about 14 lol [and it's not a big difference, i'm just average height, but still]

sometimes i wonder if how i turned out was what i use to watch and not realizing it influenced me, i always watched Fraggle Rock and that was designed to create world peace. i find myself a bright person but it wasn't until i heard that i stood back and said 'you know, now that you mention it, Fraggles need the Gorges to grow radishes that the Doozers make their sticks from that in turn feed the Fraggles...' lol, i still can't believe i never noticed the positive messages, i guess it's cuz i'm use to messages being beaten over my head until i'm sick of it.
I didn't know when my cast was comming off so I didn't sign up but I will now because I have a really cool gift for the peoples on there. :wink:
And OMG it's so true. I want to do my IB extended essay on Fraggle Rock and it's message of hope, home and world peace and giving.
And about the guy in the wheel chair I did the same thing. There was a kid in my class who had a speach impediment and people were making fun of him and I said. 'He's just like we are and we don't do that to other people.' So, that's when they all turned on me. My mom said I was always like that. She said I had this inate sence of right and wrong but it was the Fraggles that taught/teach me that and I think that it's really important [especially now] to know that. It's such a hard life to live as it is not to mention without hope.