My top 5 favorites (betcha can't watch just one!)
MMM Monster Meal (the song-sketch performed with Herry)
Gingerbread Man (who knew Cookie Monster
hugs cookies sometimes?)
3. Cookie Monster's sleepover (and nightmare) at Ernie's apartment; has any fan out there transcribed it yet?)
2. Letter "C" sketch with Cousin Monster (Cookie Monster uses a guessing game to trick her into getting him some cookies, but she keeps retrieving "C" veggies instead. The sketch and the game end when he accepts "Cousin" as something special and wonderful that starts with "C".)
And finally... *longish drumroll*
1. A whole EPISODE starring You Know Who: He promises not to eat the cookies in Hooper's Store while the owner is away. Unfortunately, he's as literal-minded as a typical kindergarten kid: when Cookie gets hungry, he eats
everything else in the store (eventually devouring the building itself). The rest of the cast cooperates to rebuild Hooper's over the next few days (I think Mumford offered some magical assistance, but I'm not 100% sure here).