Sketches You Hated as a Kid


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2019
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Well, we have threads for segments that scared you and segments you loved, but not segments you hated for reasons other than fear (unless I missed something). That’s what this is for. If you personally couldn’t stand a sketch for one reason or another, post it here. I’ll start:
  • I found Murray Has a Little Lamb to be boring as a child. Though as a teenager, I grew an appreciation for them (always nice to see a Muppet interact with real people).
  • Likewise, there was a segment about a girl going to yoga from my childhood that bored me to no end.
  • I disliked the cartoon about a coach cheering up a 0, because it made me sad.
  • “How Hard it is to Be 15” also bummed me out as a kid.
  • I also remember hating the Chant Letter E segment, but I can’t remember why (oddly, the other Chant letter segments didn’t bother me).
  • The Soul letter segments also weren’t my favorite. Again, I can’t remember why.
  • The Bellhop #8 segment, because I felt so bad for him when the steamer trunks fell on him.
  • Finally, pretty much every segment involving kids playing a hand clapping game (except for, oddly enough, “Miss Mary M”) I felt was a colossal waste of time.
Again, no posting segments that you hated because they scared you. That’s obviously what the “What Sketches Scared You?” thread is for. Also, you don’t have to hate these sketches today, just as a kid (I’ve even grown to like a few of the segments I listed).
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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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Here are a couple more examples I may add:

The magnet letter skits
The girl eating a messy cookie with Cookie Monster doing voice over
Baby Tooth and the funk band or whatever they’re called (WAY too overplayed)
Those dreadful films of kids painting number murals (they made me feel uncomfortable)
The dancing feet segment (this one also made me feel uncomfortable)

Just to name some. I’m actually planning on making a video like this in the future. I was kinda bummed to see “How Hard It Is to Be 15” but to each his own on that. 👍🏻 Can easily agree with the bellhop 8 and soul Alphabet cartoons (but mainly cause those were both fear, but I think you already know that from seeing my videos lol).


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2019
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Those dreadful films of kids painting number murals (they made me feel uncomfortable)
The dancing feet segment (this one also made me feel uncomfortable)
I have a feeling those were made with a foot fetish in mind.
I was kinda bummed to see “How Hard It Is to Be 15” but to each his own on that. 👍🏻 Can easily agree with the bellhop 8 and soul Alphabet cartoons (but mainly cause those were both fear, but I think you already know that from seeing my videos lol).
HHIITB15 is one of the ones that grew on me as I aged.
And yeah, I know how you feel about those two.
Here's one I always hated:

Mumford eating Grover's carrot.
Never saw it as a kid, find it anger-inducing as a teen.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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@CoolGuy1013 I am honestly convinced that might be true! The shot of the kid with his soles painted yellow touching the screen? That shot alone made me feel so uncomfortable as a kid! Just something about it felt very off.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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I'm pretty much indifferent to a major of the bits that have been mentioned in this thread so far, however, the only one that I disagree with is the baby eating the messy cookie with Cookie Monster's commentary - that's definitely another one of my earliest SS memories in general, and to tell the truth, some of Cookie's commentary is actually pretty funny. "You getting dress all dirty. Give me cookie, because me no care if me fur get dirty."