How come the episode "The Last Cliff Hanger" was not made that Livingston Dangerously, after running out of ideas, because the show taught about words, turned Cliff Hanger into a game similar to Hangman in that if the letter one guessed was NOT in the word, another piece of the picture of "Cliff Hanger hanging from a cliff" was added, and if the player guessed the word before running out of strikes, Cliff Hanger was rescued and would have to change his name, and if the player used up all the strikes, "that's why he's called Cliff Hanger"? It would have been something Lionel loved as much as he loved reading all the books, and Leona would have started actually liking it, because the outcome wouldn't be the same every time, Leona would have enjoyed learning her words at the same time. What does anybody think about that idea?