Respectful Politics Thread (Let's Just See)


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2003
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Imagine all the cultures and societies of people that are supposed to be burning forever right now. Not because they did anything evil, mind you, simply because they weren’t Christians. That’s the belief of Christian Fundamentalist Extremists.


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2003
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Imagine all the cultures and societies of people that are supposed to be burning forever right now. Not because they did anything evil, mind you, simply because they weren’t Christians. That’s the belief of Christian Fundamentalist Extremists.
Actually, even if one is a Christian, but not the “right kind of Christian,” they too will burn in eternal torment, so says the Born Again Fundamentalist Christians.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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Humm I understand what your saying now. Honestly if that's what you believe being a Christian is or is about I can understand why you would be against it. However, I can share with you what I believe, and then you can come to your own conclusions. I know deep down that no matter what I say I can't change your thinking, but maybe at the very least I can challenge it.

Imagine all the cultures and societies of people that are supposed to be burning forever right now. Not because they did anything evil, mind you, simply because they weren’t Christians. That’s the belief of Christian Fundamentalist Extremists.
This has been brought up by you and others about these people in different cultures and societies going to heck. Now it's my best understanding that the only way a person of any race sex or anything else goes to heck is if they have not accepted Jesus as their personal Lord and savior, or completely reject that gift even when the Lord convicts you.
Now you maybe asking what about these little children or people in these remote villages who have never heard the gospel. If someone has never heard about Jesus and what he did, and why then how could they get saved? The Bible talks about an age on innocence which is talking about children of a certain age, but I also believe it means people of a lack of knowledge.
Let me explain, say there was a mentally disabled person who could not grasp the concept of them being a sinner, or that they need to accept Christ for the forgiveness of their sin. Then I believe they would go to heaven.

Actually, even if one is a Christian, but not the “right kind of Christian,” they too will burn in eternal torment, so says the Born Again Fundamentalist Christians.
"The Right kind of Christian" I don't believe there is such a thing as that or a perfect Christian ether. First off there is a difference between being "Saved" and being a "Christian" you can be saved and not be a Christian and visversa. Let me explain, and for the sake of time and adding to an already long post I will not quote scripture but if anyone wants the verses I'll be happy to share.
Anyway, A person can accept Jesus as there personal Lord and savior and then go about there life without any other inward or outward change. That's just being saved and not being a Christian. Secondly, you can have a person who gose to church every Sunday, and tries to live right. Most of the time these people will be the ones who are the most judgmental of others. It's not to make others look bad, but to make themselves look more holy. They do all the right things and say all the right things, but there was never a time when they accepted Christ, and that's being a Christian without salvation.

In conclusion, Yes there are Christian extremists who would believe if you were not "The Right kind of Christian" you would suffer torment. Thankfully that is not what the Bible teaches.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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Here's a question I have.

Why do we even care what religious views people have? Long as no one is trying to shove their views down people's throats, let them believe what they like.


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2003
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At the end of the day, it still doesn’t make sense that anyone should be deserving of eternal torture and torment simply because they had a different belief about Jesus.


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2003
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The funny thing is that we know others on here agree with me on this one. They’re just afraid to say it out loud because they get along with Dwayne and not with me.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Here's a question I have.

Why do we even care what religious views people have? Long as no one is trying to shove their views down people's throats, let them believe what they like.
It stems from insecurity. Some people don't like the idea that others think they will be punished for not believing something. It's like that Seinfeld episode where Putty thought Elaine was going to **** and Elaine got mad even though she didn't believe. It also allows people to wrongly invalidate any argument a person makes. "You believe in x so therefore when you say y it is not true."

This particularly would bug someone who feels the need to virtue signal. Someone who virtue signals does so because they want to be seen as morally superior. However, virtue signally can't work against someone that believes in God unless the signaler also believes in God. So the signaler gets mad because they can't be seen as morally superior in the eyes of a religious person.

Personally, I am not religious, but I don't care if someone else is as long as their views do not affect me. A person being religious is fine, but a law maker who uses religion to guide what laws they make is wrong.

Old Thunder

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2015
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Personally, I am not religious, but I don't care if someone else is as long as their views do not affect me. A person being religious is fine, but a law maker who uses religion to guide what laws they make is wrong.