Respectful Politics Thread (Let's Just See)


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May 11, 2004
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If something did happen to Dr. Ford 36 years ago, don't you find it a little odd she didn't tell anybody? Not even her parents, a close friend, a teacher, the police, NOBODY!!! There is nothing shameful of telling anybody.
The problem with anybody is that after all these years memories become flawed. If it were an actual trial Dr. Ford would have the burden of proof on her. But not one witness can corroborate on the allegations.
One credible witness is all she needs and she can't even come up with that.
Maybe something did happen to her, but there is no conclusive proof Kavanaugh did it.

And while the Me Too movement has noble intentions of bringing justice to rape victims, just suggesting someone might have raped them is not enough proof.
But it's enough to smear Kacanaugh's name.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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If something did happen to Dr. Ford 36 years ago, don't you find it a little odd she didn't tell anybody? Not even her parents, a close friend, a teacher, the police, NOBODY!!! There is nothing shameful of telling anybody.
Actually, there is, this is what women are saying: telling anybody is futile in many cases, because either the women are shamed for it, they're blamed for bringing it on themselves for what they were wearing or how they were behaving or what they said, or nothing's done about it because "boys will be boys." Elizabeth Montgomery even did a TV movie about this subject matter in the 70s, because things were even worse back then: women who were raped were treated like they were vile and disgusting creatures because of what happened to them - and police departments very rarely took the cases seriously anyway.

We've always lived in a male-dominated society, and for too long, the men have gotten free passes for their actions of mistreating, abusing, and assaulting women because, "it's just what guys do; boys will be boys." Women are not objects, nor are they sex toys for men to play with whenever they want and can get away with it. This is why women are fighting right now, because this whole ordeal is basically a big slap in the face and a punch in the ****** to them. Whether Dr. Ford is lying, or doesn't remember anything exactly as it happened, it's clear that Kavanaugh, like almost every other Republican politician, is a smug snake who has no business being in the position he's trying to get - I wasn't buying his fake crocodile tears for a minute.

Old Thunder

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Aug 13, 2015
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Yeah, I do agree with Snowth here, and I’ll even add on - not telling someone about an abuse can be put down to psychological factors as well, or feeling shamed about it having happened to you. It’s not a black and white issue here.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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I personally believe with today's technology, if you're caught in a situation where you feel uncomfortable, start filming with your phone as soon as possible so you have evidence.

Rape is an unfortunate thing - I was once friends with a guy who almost tried to rape one of my close female friends (I since stopped talking to him), and I feel sympathetic for those who were sexually abused (men or women), but it's also unfortunate that some women have taken that advantage of making up stories and getting men in trouble.

Sometimes it is good to have evidence. It's also a plus if you can tell when someone is lying or being honest just from face gestures or the way they speak, etc.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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Speaking of rape and sexual harrasment, here's a good example of sexual harrasment that would have been a whole different story if the genders were reversed.

On another note, that pizza seriously looked bomb. :hungry:
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Well-Known Member
May 11, 2004
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Actually, there is, this is what women are saying: telling anybody is futile in many cases, because either the women are shamed for it, they're blamed for bringing it on themselves for what they were wearing or how they were behaving or what they said, or nothing's done about it because "boys will be boys." Elizabeth Montgomery even did a TV movie about this subject matter in the 70s, because things were even worse back then: women who were raped were treated like they were vile and disgusting creatures because of what happened to them - and police departments very rarely took the cases seriously anyway.

We've always lived in a male-dominated society, and for too long, the men have gotten free passes for their actions of mistreating, abusing, and assaulting women because, "it's just what guys do; boys will be boys." Women are not objects, nor are they sex toys for men to play with whenever they want and can get away with it. This is why women are fighting right now, because this whole ordeal is basically a big slap in the face and a punch in the ****** to them. Whether Dr. Ford is lying, or doesn't remember anything exactly as it happened, it's clear that Kavanaugh, like almost every other Republican politician, is a smug snake who has no business being in the position he's trying to get - I wasn't buying his fake crocodile tears for a minute.
Are you sure the fact you're biased against Kavanaugh has no bearing on the fact Trump nominated him?

Are you completely sure beyond any measurable doubt Diane Feinstein didn't engineer all this as a delay tactic?

Kavanaugh had SIX (count 'em) FBI probes prior to his confirmation. In six probes, nothing turned up. Meanwhile Feinstein had Dr. Ford's allegations and for six weeks DID NOTHING. Until the 11th hour to accuse Kavanaugh of charges that were flimsy at best.
What is her priority? Aiding and protecting Dr. Ford? Or Dem's possession of power (and/or abuse of that power)?

I was around in 1991 when Clarence Thomas was put through the same wringer. Compared to Kavanaugh, that was a cakewalk.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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I personally believe with today's technology, if you're caught in a situation where you feel uncomfortable, start filming with your phone as soon as possible so you have evidence.
A lot of people have been doing this quite a bit in recent times, however, it seems like that in many cases, if police are involved, they'll try to force people to stop filming, if not take away their phones or cameras altogether, because they know they might get in trouble if they're shown on camera abusing their authority, or not handling a situation within their protocol.
Are you sure the fact you're biased against Kavanaugh has no bearing on the fact Trump nominated him?
Literally everyone Trump has nominated for any position within his "Administration" have been the least-qualified people for said positions; this is no exception.
Are you completely sure beyond any measurable doubt Diane Feinstein didn't engineer all this as a delay tactic?
All I know is that's what Republicans are saying about this entire ordeal, hence why they keep saying, "We're not gonna stand for this, we're gonna push through and ignore as much as we can to make sure Kavanaugh gets the job."
Kavanaugh had SIX (count 'em) FBI probes prior to his confirmation. In six probes, nothing turned up. Meanwhile Feinstein had Dr. Ford's allegations and for six weeks DID NOTHING. Until the 11th hour to accuse Kavanaugh of charges that were flimsy at best.
What is her priority? Aiding and protecting Dr. Ford? Or Dem's possession of power (and/or abuse of that power)?
Dems don't have power right now - they didn't even have power when Obama was President.

The point is simply this: you said women should come forward with their plights when it happens, and should be able to tell anyone about it, so that action can be taken. That's another rose-colored ideal, because again, that hardly is ever the case in these scenarios - for the reasons I've mentioned, and many more. Like @Old Thunder pointed out, there's even a psychological factor at play as well, especially in cases involving under-aged girls, who fear their parents may think they're disgusting, or even disown them for what happened to them, as demonstrated in this video:

In an ideal world, yes, women should be able to come forward when this happens to them and be taken seriously about it . . . but then again, in a really ideal world, men wouldn't do this kind of crap to women, period.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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@D'Snowth that's one pet peeve I have with the cops - how their biggest enemy is a camera.

I understand some don't feel comfortable being on camera, but then there are others who purposley make up laws just to get their way.

"It's illegal to video tape police." No it's not.

"You can record video of me, but it's illegal to record audio." No it's not.

"The state of the law says it's illegal to record us." Pics or it didn't happen.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Exactly, that's one of the main reasons why there's been the "Photography is Not a Crime" movement throughout social media outlets.