Classic Sesame Clips on YouTube

Froggy Fool

Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2017
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@PumpkinJ, here's a bit of advice. Don't worry about it. It's only a kid's show. An amazing one at that, but let's not get worked up about a kid's show. I know I've said this to other members on here but seriously. Let's put this into perspective. Also, it's Nanto's channel. He can upload whatever he wants to upload. I really don't understand why people are whining because one certain uploader stopped uploading what they liked. Come on guys, have some sense now....


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2014
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Says the guy who was freaking out and doesn't BOTHER to re upload those said videos you've said download on your channel. If I may add, your friend that p'd off @hooperfan p'd ME off too. :skeptical:
Yep, and the constant messaging, and even threatening tones of his words just made me not even want to help even if I could. He kept saying "oh I have autism, so that explains me being like this" but after I kept saying no, he would just say "Im gonna keep posting on your videos until I get my way" I blocked him...and yet he'd still contact me, tried to get me on Google Hangouts and tried to have others get me to send them the shows...but I refuse, not after how rude he had been to me


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2008
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I am still worried about Nanto.
His username is still SPGOALS TV and now his channel description on his about page says "The channel includes all matches of football matches directly All rights reserved ." Nanto doesn't type in that style. Now I'm led to believing someone actually hacked his account. :frown:
With that being said, the hacker from Spain even put HIS channel (which isn't Nanto's) in the sidebar "ESPN NO OFICIAL".

Along with this, I discovered that his alternate channel "NantoVision2" got terminated! :O
Look...I find it weird too. But in the end if that's what Nanto wants to do with his channel, so be it.

@PumpkinJ, here's a bit of advice. Don't worry about it. It's only a kid's show. An amazing one at that, but let's not get worked up about a kid's show. I know I've said this to other members on here but seriously. Let's put this into perspective. Also, it's Nanto's channel. He can upload whatever he wants to upload. I really don't understand why people are whining because one certain uploader stopped uploading what they liked. Come on guys, have some sense now....
Don't forget, he also uploaded clips from another amazing classic CTW/SW show: The Electric Company. Sure, the fanbase for that show isn't as big as the SS fanbase, but still. Getting back on track, there are a lot of great clips that have been deleted, and a lot of great clips that Nanto hasn't gotten around to uploading ever since he made his new channel back in March 2010 (as far as both shows go), but ultimately it's for the best to be appreciative of what's still available and hope that one day we meet someone that loves both shows, and was smart enough to download any of the deleted clips, and will be happy to reupload them.

Yep, and the constant messaging, and even threatening tones of his words just made me not even want to help even if I could. He kept saying "oh I have autism, so that explains me being like this" but after I kept saying no, he would just say "Im gonna keep posting on your videos until I get my way" I blocked him...and yet he'd still contact me, tried to get me on Google Hangouts and tried to have others get me to send them the shows...but I refuse, not after how rude he had been to me
Tsk, tsk, tsk. I have a small form of autism too, however, if someone makes it clear to me that they aren't able to reupload a certain clip (like you tried), I simply accept their answer.

Oh btw, I'm SO sorry to address this here, but did you get the message I sent you on here last week?


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2014
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I know it can be disappointing..there's a guy in England who has loads of Sesame Street 70s episodes but he hates the show so he refuses to digitalize them... Apparently they're from a TV station over there, and two brief clips have turned up on YouTube earlier this year. I contacted him and asked politely if there's any chance of getting access to these, and he said, "Sorry, it's not going to happen." Yes, I was disappointed, but I certainly didn't throw a tantrum or threaten the man. I just let it be