Honestly I don't have the patience to be a staff member, and yeah, I'm guilty of getting into fights with some members, but most of it is me putting them in their place (only once do I think I just trolled them, giving a taste of their own medicine).
I dunno. To be honest, some of my expectations for this site have gone down for me last night after what happened.
But yeah, overall I was really angry last night. Yeah, sure, it sucks I lost alot of messages and likes, but, eh, they're whatever, but I was mostly angry on the fact of two things.
1) a stupid argument happened on a thread that was very theraputic for me. I had alot of fun goofing around with friends ( *cough* tagging
@muppetgem *cough) and once the arguing came in, it felt like just another Steve/you can't blame the left for anything thread. And it's still sad that I was able to predict that the state of the world thread would go to **** because I knew it would.
2) that only one simple argument ended up getting the thread go bye bye, whereas we had to wait MONTHS for the state of the world to dissapear, and in a few hours or days, the state of us and our things will be bumped up (probably by a certain LGBT member; and I don't mean this in any disrespect to him, mind you, I'm just predicting it might be him since I know he likes talking about how much Trump is destroying the country and our community) and just go right back to square one.
I've just never felt so upset/dissapointed in my life. I honestly wanted to smash my head through the wall last night.