Still, in the cases where the police were in the right to use force to apprehend these criminals, they managed to be dishonest if not outright treacherous in their handling of the perps. That, to me, makes the whole thing worse. They didn't need to do anything to make themselves look like the good guys, and by cheating and skewing the truth, they managed to add to the growing distrust when they easily could have diffused the situation and made out to look like the good cops we all need to see more of. Nope. Let's be shifty and make cops look even worse. Brilliant.
It just pains me that all of society's problems are shrugged off as "Blame America First" whining by the same ones that whine about how terrible this country is when they don't get their way. The whole "this country is terrible because gay people exist but someone hauls you off to jail for saying 'Merry Christmas' even though they don't and no one cares" mindset that sure, they can get mad at companies moving their jobs overseas, but never complaining that there are too many tax loopholes and lobbyists for these shifty, crooked, CEOs that got the company because their father was majority stock holder or something.
It just pains me that all of society's problems are shrugged off as "Blame America First" whining by the same ones that whine about how terrible this country is when they don't get their way. The whole "this country is terrible because gay people exist but someone hauls you off to jail for saying 'Merry Christmas' even though they don't and no one cares" mindset that sure, they can get mad at companies moving their jobs overseas, but never complaining that there are too many tax loopholes and lobbyists for these shifty, crooked, CEOs that got the company because their father was majority stock holder or something.