The internet has broken Andre...
In all seriousness, i'm glad he gave a very honest, unbiased opinion of the movie considering he's a pretty big fan of the franchise. I hate that this movie has been sooo controversial, no, controversial doesn't even begin to cover it, it's become as heated and divisive as a political debate, heck in some corners of the internet it
has become a political debate. For poop's sake, internet, it's just a ******* movie! If you don't want to see, then don't flipping see it. If your going to watch it, whatever, but please be less bias about your opinion of the film. The general consensus is, it's an okay movie, not bad, not great, just okay. It's not insulting to the franchise but doesn't add that many new ideas to an old concept. So overall, it's a fine or meh movie or even a good one depending on who you ask, but for God sake, it's just a movie!