So, Angry Birds had a disappointing 39 Mil opening, but managed to be in the top spot
With the nonstop marketing, it really sucks this didn't even crack a full modest 40 mil or even 45 mil opening in the US. I'm not broken up about it, it's a fun film, not a great one, but I had a ball at it. Must've been a slow week, such a shame that all that marketing was for nothing. Did manage to make 150 Mil worldwide, though. Just not the big opening animated film to kick the season off, and it'll probably disappear behind X-Men and that completely needless Alice in Wonderland movie next week.
With the nonstop marketing, it really sucks this didn't even crack a full modest 40 mil or even 45 mil opening in the US. I'm not broken up about it, it's a fun film, not a great one, but I had a ball at it. Must've been a slow week, such a shame that all that marketing was for nothing. Did manage to make 150 Mil worldwide, though. Just not the big opening animated film to kick the season off, and it'll probably disappear behind X-Men and that completely needless Alice in Wonderland movie next week.