Props to Universal for having 2 of the biggest openings of the year within a month of each other. Both films opened up larger than any movie last year. Between those two, Avengers, Inside Out, and Fast and Furious, we've definitely came out of the box office slump of last year. The Minion and Jurassic World merchandising alone probably made back the budgets of their respective films.
But considering that JW is still a distant number 2 and Inside Out is still in third, that's one heck of a pecking order. Minions is dominant as heck, but even that didn't sink the highest performing films of the past month from continuing on their streak.
Same, fortunately, can't be said for "The Gallows." And I say, good freaking riddance to that rubbish! That stupid movie got at least 3 TV spots per commercial break with that terrible cover of "Smells like Teen Spirit" (by all means, the parody Muppet version from TM was more respectful and hard core), and I got incredibly sick of seeing essentially a bad Five Nights at Freddy's fan film. I can't say I'm an excellent judge of horror films by any means. But there's a difference between a thriving franchise like Friday the 13th, Saw, and Nightmare on Elm Street and some cheap little jump scare throwaway like The Gallows. Sure, at some point the "heroes" are so flat and stupid we actually want to see them brutally destroyed by the more interesting and outlandish "villains." This looks like a mix between bad revenge porn and a poor understanding of every bad horror movie cliche, all played straight. Probably still going to be a sequel, though.
Also, while Self/less doesn't look outright horrible, I feel bad for Ryan Reynolds. Seems that in recent years he just took to roles in bad movies. I mean, talking snail that wants to be an Indy-car was his least embarrassing role. I really hope this doesn't negatively affect Deadpool. I'm rooting for him in that, especially since he actually hated how Green Lantern turned out and was massively disappointed in the Executive Meddling that cut his appearance as Deadpool in Wolverine:Origins short.